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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第7章 女性の解放 n.9(松下 訳) - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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 この新旧の道徳の対立という問題から、非常に明快な争点(issue 論点)が提起される。もしも、娘の純潔妻の貞操が、もはや要求すべきでないとすれば、家族を守る新しい手段を持つか(講じるか)、あるいは、家族(家庭)が崩壊するのを黙認するかしなければならない。子供を作るのは結婚している場合に限定するべきであり、すべての婚外性交は避妊用具を使用することで妊娠しないようにすべきであると提案してもよい。その場合は、夫は、東洋人(注:中国人)が宦官(かんがん)に対してそうであるように,妻の愛人に寛容であるようになるかもしれない。今のところ、そのような案(scheme)が(実施)困難なのは、そのためには避妊用具の効果妻の正直さとを不合理と思われるほど(合理的と思われる以上)信頼しなければならないからである。けれども,こうした困難は時が経過するにつれて減少するかもしれない。

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.9

A very clear-cut issue is raised by this question of the new morality versus the old. If the chastity of girls and the faithfulness of wives are no longer to be demanded, it becomes necessary either to have new methods of safeguarding the family or else to acquiesce in the break-up of the family. It may be suggested that the procreation of children should only occur within marriage, and that all extra-marital sexual intercourse should be rendered sterile by the use of contraceptives. In that case husbands might learn to be as tolerant of lovers as Orientals are of eunuchs. The difficulty of such a scheme, as yet, is that it requires us to place more reliance on the efficacy of contraceptives and the truthfulness of wives than seems rational ; this difficulty may, however, be diminished with time. The other alternative compatible with the new morality is the decay of fatherhood as an important social institution, and the taking over of the duties of the father by the State. In particular cases where a man felt sure of his paternity and fond of his child, he might, of course, voluntarily undertake to do what fathers now normally do in the way of financial support for the mother and child ; but he would not be obliged to do so by law. Indeed all children would be in the position in which illegitimate children of unknown paternity are now, except that the State, regarding this as the normal case, would take more trouble with their nurture than it does at present.
(掲載日:2016.08.02 /更新日: )