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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

ラッセル結婚論 第2章(松下 訳)

Marriage and Morals, 1929

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目でみる妊娠と出産 (Visual Series) [ 馬場 一憲 ]
価格:4,180円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/9時点)


Chapter II Matrilineal Societies

Malinowski maintains, and in this I think he must be right, that if a man remains with his wife during pregnancy and child-birth he has an instinctive tendency to be fond of the child when it is born, and that this is the basis of the paternal sentiment. "Human paternity," he says, "which appears at first as almost completely lacking in biological foundation, can be shown to be deeply rooted in natural endowment and organic need." He thinks, however, that if a man is absent from his wife during pregnancy he will not instinctively feel affection for the child at first, although, if custom and tribal ethics lead him to associate with the mother and child, affection will develop as it would have done if he had been with the mother throughout. In all the important human relations, socially desirable acts, towards which there is an instinct not strong enough to be always compelling, are enforced by social ethics, and so it is among these savages. Custom enjoins that the mother's husband shall care for the children and protect them while they are young, and this custom is not difficult to enforce, since it is, as a rule, in line with instinct.

(掲載日:2016.06.07/更新日: )