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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


ラッセル「オーウェルの『1984年』の徴候」n.6 (松下彰良・訳) - Bertrand Russell : Symptoms of George Orwell's 1984

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 けれども,警察権力マッカーシー上院議員よりも,もっとずっと重大であり,もっと普遍的な現象である(注:マッカーシー上院議員は一人しかいなかったが、警察は世界中にあるため)。もちろん, 警察の権力は、鉄のカーテンの両側(注:東側及び西側の両方)に存在する不安の雰囲気によって,はるかに増大している。あなたがロシアに住んでいて,共産主義に同情的でなくなれば,家族の内においてさえ沈黙を守らなければ災難にあうことであろう。アメリカでは,あなたがかつて共産主義者であって(あったが)今はそうでないとしても(if = even if),やはり,諸君が偽証に陥れられなかったとしたら、法的ではないが,経済的かつ社会的な罰を受けやすいだろう。そのような処罰を逃れる方法はただ一つだけある。それは自分を司法省へ情報通報者として売ることである。その場合,あなたの成功は,どれほど大げさな話(tall story)を FBI(米国連邦捜査局)に信じさせることができるかにかかっているだろう。
There are, it is true, some educational institutions in America which, so far, have been strong enough to hold out. This, however, is only possible for an institution which has great prestige and has brave men in charge of its policy. Consider, for example, what Senator McCarthy has said about Harvard. He said he "couldn't conceive of anyone sending children to Harvard University where they would be open to indoctrination by Communist professors." At Harvard, he said, there is a "smelly mess which people sending sons and daughters there should know about." Institutions less eminent than Harvard could hardly face such a blast.
The power of the police, however, is a more serious and a more universal phenomenon than Senator McCarthy. It is, of course, greatly increased by the atmosphere of fear which exists on both sides of the Iron Curtain. If you live in Russia and cease to be sympathetic with Communism, you will suffer unless you keep silence even in the bosom of your family. In America, if you have been a Communist and you cease to be, you are also liable to penalties, not legal unless you have been trapped into perjury but economic and social. There is only one thing that you can do to escape such penalties, and that is to sell yourself to the Department of Justice as an informer, when your success will depend upon what tall stories you can get the FBI to believe.
