
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル「人類に害を与えてきた思想(7)」(松下彰良・訳) - Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946

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 まさにこのことが,人間の場合に起ってきている,自然の経過は,人間たちに時として幸運を,時として非運をもたらす。人間は,それが偶然に起るとは信じられないのである。前述の雌牛は,仲間の一匹が線路の上に留まり,汽車にひき殺されたことを知っており,もしも大部分の人間を特徴づけるような適度の知性をもっているならば,(その雌牛は)哲学的内省をおし進めて次のような結論を下すであろう。即ち,(汽車にひき殺された)あの不運な牛は,彼女の罪の故に,鉄道の神によって罰せられたのだ,と。司祭たちが線路にそって柵(さく)を設置すればその雌牛は喜び,若くて動き回る牛たちに,この柵にたまたま開いているところがあったとしても,それをけっして通ってはならない,(それを破った)罪の報い(wages 報酬)は死だ,と警告するであろう。人間たちはこれと類似の神話を創作することによって,自分たち人間がさらされている災難(不運)の多くを,自尊心を犠牲にすることなく,説明することに成功してきたのである。しかし時には,まったく有徳な人々にも災難がふりかかるが,その場合,我々は,どのように説明すべきだろうか? 我々は,いまだ,自分たち人間が宇宙の中心であるに違いないという感情から,災難はそれを誰も意図していないのに単に偶然にこれまで起ってきたのだということを認めることを妨げられる。そして自分たちは仮定によって邪悪ではないのであるから,自分たちの災難は誰かの悪意 -すなわち自分自身になんらかの便益を望んでではなく,ただ単に憎しみから我々に害を加えよぅとする誰か-に帰因するに違いない(と考える)。

One of the odd effects of the importance which each of us attaches to himself, is that we tend to imagine our own good or evil fortune to be the purpose of other people's actions. If you pass in a train a field containing grazing cows, you may sometimes see them running away in terror as the train passes. The cow, if it were a metaphysician, would argue: 'Everything in my own desires and hopes and fears has reference to myself; hence by induction I conclude that everything in the universe has reference to myself. This noisy train, therefore, intends to do me either good or evil. I cannot suppose that it intends to do me good, since it comes in such a terrifying form, and therefore, as a prudent cow, I shall endeavor to escape from it.' If you were to explain to this metaphysical ruminant that the train has no intention of leaving the rails, and is totally indifferent to the fate of the cow, the poor beast would be bewildered by anything so unnatural. The train that wishes her neither well nor ill would seem more cold and more abysmally horrifying than a train that wished her ill. Just this has happened with human beings. The course of nature brings them sometimes good fortune, sometimes evil. They cannot believe that this happens by accident. The cow, having known of a companion which had strayed on to the railway line and been killed by a train, would pursue her philosophical reflections, if she were endowed with that moderate degree of intelligence that characterizes most human beings, to the point of concluding that the unfortunate cow had been punished for sin by the god of the railway. She would be glad when his priests put fences along the line, and would warn younger and friskier cows never to avail themselves of accidental openings in the fence, since the wages of sin is death. By similar myths men have succeeded, without sacrificing their self-importance, in explaining many of the misfortunes to which they are subject. But sometimes misfortune befalls the wholly virtuous, and what are we to say in this case? We shall still be prevented by our feeling that we must be the centre of the universe from admitting that misfortune has merely happened to us without anybody's intending it, and since we are not wicked by hypothesis, our misfortune must be due to somebody's malevolence, that is to say, to somebody wishing to injure us from mere hatred and not from the hope of any advantage to himself. It was this state of mind that gave rise to demonology, and the belief in witchcraft and black magic. The witch is a person who injures her neighbors from sheer hatred, not from any hope of gain. The belief in witchcraft, until about the middle of the seventeenth century, afforded a most satisfying outlet for the delicious emotion of self-righteous cruelty. There was Biblical warrant for the belief, since the Bible says: 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.' And on this ground the Inquisition punished not only witches, but those who did not believe in the possibility of witchcraft, since to disbelieve it was heresy. Science, by giving some insight into natural causation, dissipated the belief in magic, but could not wholly dispel the fear and sense of insecurity that had given rise to it. In modem times, these same emotions find an outlet in fear of foreign nations, an outlet which, it must be confessed, requires not much in the way of superstitious support.
(掲載日:2015.08.** 更新日:)