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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


バートランド・ラッセル「団体について」(1932年6月8日付) (松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:On Societies, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.

* 部分訳を全訳化しました。(2011.1.14)


 いかなる団体のいかなる会合も,まったく同様である。どんな団体にも,他の会員よりも多少金持ちで威厳がある会長がいるが,彼はその団体が存在する(設置された)重要な目的に,必ずしも他の会員ほどの興味を示さない。(また)あらゆる出費に反対し,会費の滞納を指摘する名誉収入役がいる。(それから)近く順番で会長の椅子に就けると期待している'名誉幹事'(honorary secretary)がいる。しかし彼らは誰もこの団体を十分活動的にしておく力は持っていない。これは有給の幹事の役割(注:現代の日本なら'常務理事'か?)である。


One of the characteristics of the modern man, and still more of the modern woman, is the habit of belonging to organisations for all kinds of the most diverse purposes. There are societies for games and sport; I myself am vice-president of a cricket club in one place and of a football club in another, though I would die sooner than play either cricket or football.

There are societies for political purposes: those which promote Sunday games and those which combat them; those which advocate free trade and those which urge a higher tariff; those which combat war and those which promote preparedness; the anti-fascists and the British fascisti.
There are societies for social purposes that lie outside party politics, such as the preservation of footpaths or ancient monuments, the exploration of druidical remains, or the prevention of the extinction of the iguanodon.
Then there are learned societies: conchologists, egyptologists, arboreticulturists, topiarians, etc. I suppose Great Britain contains fewer societies than inhabitants, but not much fewer. I have never met an adult who did not belong to at least half a dozen.

Every meeting of every society is exactly like every meeting of every other. There is a president, a trifle richer and grander than the other members and rather less interested than the rest in the great purpose for which the society exists. There is an honorary treasurer who deprecates all expenditure and points out that all subscriptions are in arrears. There is an honorary secretary who hopes in due course to succeed the president. But none of these would suffice to keep the society alive; this is the function of the paid secretary.

I shudder to think what would become of immense numbers of intelligent and high-minded men and women who at present earn their livelihood by advocating some reform which is very unlikely to be carried, if, by some magician's stroke, all their various measures were to be achieved. The ranks of the unemployed would be swelled most dangerously. The motto of the secretary of a society should be 'To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive', for arrival spells ruin. Yet the secretary must continually do his best.
I sometimes wonder whether there is a secret league or trade union of secretaries, where the secretary of the Association for Sunday Games meets the secretary of the Lord's Day Observance Guild and they decide on joint energetic campaigns of which the net result shall be zero. I wish I could think so.
But I am afraid human inertia does all that is necessary to preserve these worthy men and women from the disaster of success. The one thing they all have in common is a desire to change something, and while everybody wants something changed, few people want the particular change that a given society advocates. Men are marvellously impervious to propaganda.

I met once the honorary secretary of the Nut-Eaters' Brotherhood. 'Do you mean to say', she exclaimed. 'that you never heard of the paralysed consumptive in Prague who took to a diet of nuts and within a month won the heavyweight championship of Czechoslovakia?' When I protested that I had no desire to be a heavyweight champion, she deluged me with instances of men who had failed to be senior wranglers and had rashly eaten beefsteaks during their examinations. Our arboreal ancestors, it appears, lived on nuts and had amazing mathematical ability.
In spite of these arguments, I learned that only 323 persons belonged to the Brotherhood and, of these, 307 were suspected, on account of their sickly constitution, of the practice of clandestine meat-eating.
Such is our immunity to reason, acquired through long ages of natural selection.