Portal Site for Russellian in Japan
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

Bertrand Russell at Keio University, July 1921, by William Snell, n.15

* Source: Kindai Nihon Kenkyu(Modern Japan Study), v.14(1997), p.171 - 192

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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
Many questions regarding the details of Russell's visit to Japan remain unanswered: why, for example, was Keio Gijuku chosen as the venue for Russell's lecture? One can only surmise, but there are several considerations: it had a hall with the appropriate capacity, it was situated adjacent to the headquarters of the Yuaikai, and not a great distance from the Teikoku [Imperial] Hotel where Russell was staying. The greatest mystery, however, concerns the lack of official records or documentation at Keio Gijuku regarding the event, unlike that of Albert Einstein (again at the invitation of Kaizo and on the recommendation of Russell) which is recorded in the published history of the institution. I would hazard a guess that the lecture was not given with the official sanction of Keio, although it may possibly have been arranged by Fukuda Tokuzo, who was a part-time lecturer there (while affiliated as a professor to what is now known as Hitotsubashi University -formerly Tokyo Higher Commercial School -from where he originally graduated). Perhaps an investigation of the extensive archives, especially Russell's correspondence, in the possession of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, might reveal more.*40 A further volume of Russell's collected works is expected to be published by the archive's editorial project in the near future.*41

*40 This is unlikely, however, Barry Feinberg's A Detail d Catalogue of the Archives of Bertrand Rusell(London: Continuum 1, 1967) show only three letters in the archive from Japanese from Hosaku Odaka [1894-1944: educator and publisher] dated 28 July 1921; Baron Keichi Ishimoto [1887-1951: son of the Minister for War, Shinroku Ishimoto] dated 4 Oct. 1921; and Tsuchita[sic.] Kyosonson [sic.] (Tsuchiya Kyoson, 1870-1945: philosopher, graduate of Kyoto University where he studied under the influential philosopher Kitaro Nishida dated 25 July 1921 ("a list of philosophical quetions").
*41 Volume 15 of the Collected Works (Russia and China: 1919-1912) progress, edited by Richard A. Rempel, et al.