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1963-07.Existence in Lesniewski and in Russell, by A. N. Prior.
In: Formal Systems and Recursive Functions; Logic Colloquium, 8th, Oxford, 1963(Amsterdam; North-Holland, 1965),p.149-155.

1964-01.On Sommers' reinstatement of Russell's ontological program, by John O. Nelson.
Philosophical Review, v.73: Oct. 1964, p.517-521.

1964-02.Russell and historical truth, by R. F. Beerling.
Kant-Studien, v.55: 1964, p.385-393.

1964-03.L'origine et le mécanisme des antinomies dans la première philosophie de Russell(1903), by Jules Vuillemin.
Logique et Analyse, n.s., n.25/n.26: 1964, p.59-95.
* p.89-95=addendum.

1965-01.Some reflections on B. Russell's philosophy, by James Van Patten.
Educational Theory, v.15: Jan. 1965, p.58-65.

1965-02.Russell and his logic, by Hao Wang.
Ratio, v.7,n.1: June 1965, p.1-34.
* Contents: 1.Random notes. 2.Principles(1903) 3.Preludes to Principia(1903-1910) 4.Principia. 5.Wittgenstein and Ramsey. 6.Logical truth and other philosophical matters. 7.Predicative definitions and the vicious-circle principle.
* This paper was prepared in Apr. 1963, for a Festschrift to honor Lord Russell, at the invitation of Mr. Ralph Schoenman, the editor. Almost a year had elapsed before it finally became clear that editor and this paticular contributor would not be able to agree on what is proper for a Festschrift. It is thought that perhaps there are people who will find this piece an appropriate tribute to a great intellect.

1965-03.A critique of B. Russell's religious position, by Arnold Daniel Weigel.
Bulletin of Evang. Theol. Soc., v.8,n.4: 1965, p.139-158.

1966-01.The political thought of B. Russell, by Henry Parris.
Durham University Journal, v.58: 1966, p.86-94.

1966-02.La sintesi filosofica di B. Russell, by Emanuele Riverso.
Giornale Crit. Filosof. Ital., v.20: Oct./Dec. 1966, p.587-592.

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