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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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1960-03.A re-examination of the Russellian theory of descriptons, by Czeslaw Lejewski.
Philosophy,v.35(n.132): Jan. 1960, p.14-29.

1960-04.Russell's moral theories, by D. H. Munro.
Philosophy,v.35(n.132): Jan. 1960, p.30-50.

1960-05.Syntactical and semantical properties of simple type theory, by Karl Schutte.
Journal of Symbolic Logic,v.25: 1960, p.305-326.

1960-06.Freedom in the ethics of B. Russell, by Donald G. McCarthy.
Philosophical Studies(Maynooth),v.10: 1960, p.100-132.

1960-07.Das Russelshce Paradoxen und die formal Logik, by Heinrich Behmann.
In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Philosophy, 12th, Venice, 1958, v.5(Florence; Sansoni, 1960),p.45-54.


1961-01.Bertrand Russell and emotive theory, by E. F. Keane.
In: Indian Journal of Philosophy, v.3: 1961?, p.26-36.

1962-01.Are logic and mathematics identical?; an old thesis of Russell's is re-examined in the light of subsequent developments in mathematical logic, by Leon Henkin.
Science,v.138: 16 Nov. 1962, p.788-794.
1962-02.Russell's theory of logical types, by William & Martha Kneale.
In: The Development of Logic, by W. M. Keale(Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1962), p.657-672.

1963-01.Sartre or Russell; why not both?, by G. William Domhoff.
Humanist, v.23: July/Aug. 1963, p.116.

1963-02.Classes as abstract entities and the Russell paradox, by Wilfrid Sellars.
Review of Metaphysics, v.17: Summer 1963, p.67-90.

1963-03.Russell on class theory, by Franz Peters.
Synthèse, v.15: Summer 1963, p.327-335.

1963-04.Russell and ontology, by Fred Sommers.
Philosophical Review, v.72: 1963, p.327-363.
* Repr. in: Philosophical Logic, ed. by P. F. Strawson(Oxford; Oxford U. P., 1967), p.138-169.

1963-06.Le scepticism passione de B. Russell, by Gilles-Gaston Granger.
Critique, v.19: 1963, p.1068-1082.

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