IV.4A2a.研究論文・評論等 1941-1950(続き) 1948-01.Truth and knowledge; some comments on Russell, by Karl Britton. Analysis, v.8: Jan. 1948, p.39-43. RC(photocopy) 1948-02.Practical forms of type theory, by A. M. Turing. Journal of Symbolic Logic, v.13: 1948, p.80-94. 1949-01.Russell's doubts about induction, by Paul Edwards. Mind, n.s. v.58(n.230): Apr. 1949, p.141-163. * Repr. in: Logic and Language, ed. by A. Flew(Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1965),p.59-84; & in: The Philosophical Imagination, by Raziel Aelson, et al., p.349-371. RC(photocopy) 1949-02.The logic of Hegel and Russell, by A. Ushenko. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, v.10: Summer 1949, p.107-114. RC(photocopy) 1949-03.Scientifc inference according to B. Russell, K. R. Popper and Felx Hausdorff, by Robert Eisler. Hibbert Journal, v.47: 1949, p.375-381. RC(photocopy) 1949-04.Completeness in the theory of types, by Leon Henkin. Journal of Symbolic Logic, v.14: 1949, p.159-166. |
1949-05.Russell's philosophy of language, by Max Black. In: Language and Philosophy; studies in method, by Max Black(Ithaca and London; Cornell U. P., 1949), p.111-138. RC(photocopy) 1949-06.L'analyse de l'antinomie russellienne par Lesniewski (1)-(3), by Boleslaw Sobocinski. Methodos, v.1,n.1-3: 1949, p.94-107, 220-229, 308-316. RC(photocopy) 1950-01.L'analyse de l'antinomie russellienne par Lesniewski (4), by Boleslaw Sobocinski. Methodos, v.2,n.6/7: 1950, p.237-257. RC(photocopy) 1950-02.Humanity's need is a new ideology, by Julian Huxley. Illustrated, June 28, 1950, p.? * Julian Huxley replies to B. Russell 1950-03.Whitehead and Russell's theory of types, by J. J. C. Smart. Analysis, v.10: Mar. 1950, p.93-96. RC(photocopy) 1950-04.Russell's theory of descriptions, by P. T. Geach. Analysis, v.10,n.4: Mar. 1950, p.84-88. * Repr. in: Philosophy and Analysis, ed. by Margaret Macdonald(New York; Barnes & Noble, 1954) RC(photocopy) 1950-05.B. Russell on the justification of induction, by William H. Hay. Philosophy of Science, v.17,n.3: July 1950, p.266-277. RC(photocopy) |