IV.4A2a.研究論文・評論等 1931-1940(続き) 1938-01.On the theory of types, by Willard Van Orman Quine. Journal of Symbolic Logic, v.3: 1938, p.125-139. 1939-01.On Russell's paradox, by F. Hoensbroech. Mind, v.48: 1939, p.365-368. 1939-02.Russell's doctrine of the logical proposition, by Hugh J. Tallon. New Scholasticism, v.13: 1939, p.31-48. RC(photocopy) 1940-01.A formulation of the simple theory of types, by Alonzo Church. Journal of Symbolic Logic, v.5: 1940, p.56-68. 1941-1950 1943-01.Russell's argument on universals, by O. K. Bouwsma. Philosophical Review, v.52: Mar. 1943, p.193-199. 1943-02.Naturally immaterial; reply to article in Kenyon Review by B. Russell, by Medford Evans. Sewanee Review, v.51: Mar. 1943, p.131-147. RC(photocopy) 1943-03.Cassirer versus Russell, by Harold R. Smart. Philosophy of Science, v.10,n.3: July 1943, p.167-175. RC(photocopy) |
1946-01.Logicians' underlying postulations [; Russell's approach], by A. F. Bentley. Philosophy of Science, v.13,n.1: Jan. 1946, p.13-16. * Portion of the paper, p.3-19. RC(photocopy) 1946-02.Mr. Demos and the dogmatism of Mr. Russell, by Henry D. Aiken. Journal of Philosophy, v.43,n.8: Apr. 11, 1946, p.214-217. RC(photocopy) 1947-01.Russell on particulars, by Gustav Bergmann. Philosophical Review, v.56: Jan. 1947, p.59-72. * Reprinted in: The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, by G. Bergmann(U. of Wisconsin Press, 1954), p.197-209(2nd ed.,c1967, p.197-214) RC(photocopy) 1947-02.B. Russell's caprice, by J. G. Vance. 19th Century, v.141: Jan. 1947, p.41-52. 1947-03.B. Russell and scientific philosophy, by Matila Ghyka. Personalist, v.28: Apr./Spr. 1947, p.129-139. RC(photocopy) 1947-04.Two theories of truth; the relation between the theories of John Dewey and B. Russell, by H. S. Thayer. Journal of Philosophy, v.44,n.19; Sept. 11, 1947, p.516-527. RC(photocopy) |