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01-1.Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume...
* Contents(continued): 13.The infinite(by Morris Lazerowitz) 14.Beliefs as a propositional attitude(by Alan R. White) 15.Truth, belief and modes of description(by R. M. Martin) 16.The concern about truth(by Frederick L. Will) 17.Russell and the form of outer sense(by Jay F. Rosenberg) 18.Russell's theory of perception(by D. J. O'Connor) 19.Russell and Schlick; a remarkable agreement on a monistic solution of the mind-body problem(by Herbert Feigl) 20.Self-acquaintance and the meaning of 'I'(by G. N. A. Vesey) 21.Some aspects of knowledge(1)(by George W. Roberts) 22.Russell's philosophical accounts of probability(by Bas C. van Fraassen) 23.Foundations(by Renford Bambrough) 24.Russell's ethics(by W. I. Matson) 25.Russell's judgement o Bolshevism(by Anthony Flew) 26.Solipsistic politics; Russell's empiritist liberalism(by Benjamin R. Barber) Index.

01-2. ... New York; Humanities Press, 1979. 488 p. 22 cm.

02.Russell, by Richard M. Sainsbury. London & Boston; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. xiv,348 p. 24 cm. (Arguments of the philosophers)
* Contents: Preface. Notes on symbols. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations. I.Introduction; biographical sketch. II.Meaning. III.Names. IV.Description. V.The perfect language. VI.Knowledge. Vii.Ontology. VIII.Mathematics. Bibliography. Index.

03.Educational Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, by Surya Nath Singh. Varanasi; Banaras Hindu University, 1979. iv,125 p. 23 cm.
* Bibliography: p.110-125.
* Originally presented as the author's thesis, Banaras Hindu University, 1969.


01.Bertrand Russell; in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten, by Ernst Sandvoss. Reinbeck bei Hamburg; Rowholt, 1980. 152 p. 19 cm. (Rowholts Monographien, 282)

02-1.Bertrand Russell and the Pacifists in the First World War, by Jo Vellacott. Brighton, Eng.; Harvester, 1980. ix,326 p. 24 cm.
* Contents: Preface. Acknowledgements. 1.Russell in 1914. 2.Strange death. 3.Seeking salvation. 4.Russell finds work to do. 5.Conscription; a focus for opposition. 6.Realities of resistance; leaders and members. 7.Personal peace campaign. 8.Controversy and attrition. 9.Increased responsibility. 10.Reluctant administrator. 11.Pacifism and revolution. 12.Trouble at the Dartmoor Home Office Camp. 13.The absolutists. 14.New directions and disappointments. 15.Philsopher in prison. 16.A sadder world; a wiser man. Abbreviations. Notes. Bibliography. Index.

02-2. ... New York; St. Martin's Press, 1981. 326 p.

03.Das Verhältnis von Beobachtings- und theoretischer Sprache in der Erkenntnistheorie Bertrand Russells, by Dieter Würtz. Frankfurt am Main u. Cirencester; Lang, 1980. iv,110 p. 21 cm. (Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe 20; Philosophie, Bd. 53)


01.Victoriani e Radicali; Da Mill a Russell, by Nadia Boccara. Roma; Edizioni dell' Ateneo, 1981. 265 p.

02.Bertrand Russell and His World, with 105 illustratons. by Ronald Clark. London & New York; Thames & Hudson, c1981. 127 p. 24 cm.

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