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01.Russell in Review....
* Contents(continued): Philosophy: B. Russell as a philosopher(by A. J. Ayer) Variations on the theme of meaning(by C. E. Cassin) Russell's theory of desire(by D. F. Pears) The semantics of the philosophy of logical atomism(by N. L. Wilson) Contributors. Bibliographical index of Russell's work cited. Index of names and titles.


01.Dear Russell, dear Jourdain; a commentary on Russell's logic, based on his correspondence with Philip Jourdain, by I. Grattan-Guinness. London; Duckworth, 1977. 234 p., 2 leaves of plates. illus. 25 cm.
* Contents: Prologue. 1.Bibliographical introducitions. 2.The nature of the surviving correspondence. 3.Style, scope and limitations of the commentary. 4.Acknowledgements. The corrspondence(From 5-24) Epilogue: 25.The relationship between Russell and Jourdain. 26.B. Russell: 'Sur les axiomes de l'infini et du transfini'. 27.Philip Jourdain: some contributions to the Granta. 28.Jourdain's copy of Principia Mathematica. Bibliography of published works. Glossary of principal notations. Index of the documents used. Index of names of persons. Index of subjects. plates(between pages 154 and 155)

02.The Political Ideas of B. Russell, by K. L. Julka. Patna, Ind.; Associated Book Agency, 1977.

03.Bertrand Russell; e l'eredita idealista inglese, by Roberto Pujia. Messina; Libra, 1977. 213 p. 21 cm. (Biblioteca di filosofia moderna, 7)
* Contents: Prefazione. Capitolo primo: L'idealismo nella cultura inglese. Capitalo secondo: Un'eredita rifiutata. Capitato terzo: Realazioni e pluralismo. Capitolo quarto: Costruzionismo e atomismo logico. Capitolo quinto: Il problema del metodo. Letteratura critica. Indice dei nomi.


01.The Incompatible Prophesies; an essay on science and liberty in the political writings of Bertrand Russell, by Louis Greenspan. Oakville, Ont.; Mosaic Press, c1978. 80 p. 24 cm.
* Contents: Acknowledgements. Foreword. I.The tension. II.Liberty. III.Science as organization. Epilogue. Notes.

02.Social Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, by Anirudha Jha. Delhi; Ajanta Publications, 1978. vii,164 p. 23 cm.
* Contents: Preface. Introduction. 1.Philosophical, logical and moral background. 2.Man and society. 3.The educational philosophy of Russell. 4.The economic order. 5.Taming of power; the political order. 6.Conclusion. Bibliography. Index.


01-1.Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume, ed. by George W. Roberts. London; Allen & Unwin, 1979. 488 p. 22 c. (Muirhead library of philosophy)
* Contents: Preface by G. W. Roberts. 1.Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970(by Gilbert Ryle) 2.Propositons and sentences(by Alan R. White) 3.Russell's paradox and some others(by W. C. Kneale) 4.A dianosis of the liar and other semantical vicious-circle paradoxes(by Charles S. Chihara) 5.A refutation of an unjustified attack on the axiom of reducibility(by John Myhill) 6.On constrained denotation(by Abraham Robinson) 7.Is philosophy 'an idleness in mathematics?'(by Abraham Robinson) 8.Post Principia(by R. L. Goodstein) 9.Russell and modal logic(by Nicholas Rescher) 10.Russell and Bradley on relations(by Timothy Sprigge) 11.On Russell's critique of Leibniz's philosophy(by Stephan Körner) 12.On some ralations between Leibniz's monadology and transfinite set theory; a complement to Russell's thesis on Leibniz(by Joel I. Friedman)

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