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The Collected Papers of B. Russell, v.5: Toward "Principia Mathematica", 1906-08, ed. by Gregory H. Moore




The Collected Papers of B. Russell, v.6: Logical and Philosophical Papers, 1909-13, ed. by John G. Slater, with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann.

1.London & New York; Routledge, 1992. lxix,562 p. illus. 24 cm. ISBN: 0-04-920095-X (Set)
Abbreviations. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Chronology. Part I: Logic and the philosophy of mathematics. 1.The theory of logical types [1910] 2.The philosophical importance of mathematical logic [1911] 3.On the axioms of the infinite and the transfinite [1911] 4.What is logic? [1912] 5.Reply to Koyre [1912] 6.Review of Reymond [1909] 7.Review of Carus [1910] 8.Review of Mannoury [1910] 9.A medical logician [1912] Part II: The problem of matter. 10.On matter [1912] 11.Nine short manuscripts on matter [1912-13] Part III: Metaphysics and epistemology. 12.On the nature of truth and falsehood [1909] 13.The basis of realism [1911] 14.Analytic realism [1911] 15.Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description [1911] 16.On the relations of universals and particulars [1912] 17.The nature of sense-data: A reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks [1913] 18.On the notion of cause [1913] Part VI: Ethics. 19.The elements of ethics [1909] 20.Spinoza [1910] Part V: Critique of pragmatism. 21.Pragmatism [1909] 22.The philosophy of William James [1910] 23.Review of James's memories and studies [1911] 24.Pragmatism and logic [1912] 25.Review of James's Essays in Radical Empiricism [1912] 26.Review of Boutroux [1912] Part VI: Critique of the Philosophy of Bergson. 27 The professor's guide to Laughter [1912] 28.The philosophy of Bergson [1912] 29.Metaphysics and intuition [1913] 30.Mr. Wildon Carr's defence of Bergson [1913] Part VII: Ctitique of idealism. 31.Some explanations in reply to Mr. Bradley [1910] 32.The philosophy of theism [1912] 33.Hegel and common sense [1912] 34.The philosophy of good taste [1912] 35.The twilight of the absolute [1913] 36.Philosophy made orthodox [1913] Appendixes. i. F.C.S. Schiller's replies to papers 21 and 24 [1909-12] ii. Preface to Philosophical Essays [1910] iii. F.H. Bradley's criticism of Russell and his reply to Russell [1910-11] iv. Sur les axiomes de l'infini et du transfini [1911] v. Le Realisme analytique [1911] vi. G. Dawes Hicks's "The Nature of Sense-Data" [1911] vii. Remarks on opening the section [1912] viii. "Reponse a M. Koyre" [1912] and an English translation of "Sur les Nombres de M. Russell" by A. Koyre. ix. "On Mr. Russell's reasons for supposing that Bergson's Philosophy is not true" by H. Wildon Carr. Annotation. Textual notes. Bibliographical index. General index.

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