一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 | 一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 | 57(1961) The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell., 1903-1959, ed. by Robert E. Egner & Lester E. Denonn. 1.London; Allen & Unwin, 1961, 736 p. 24 cm. [Contents] Preface by B. Russell. Introduction by the editors. Epigrammatic insights from the pen of Russell. Chronological list of Russell's pricipal works. Chronology of the life of B. Russell. Acknowledgements. Some thoughts about B. Russell. Pt.1: Autobiographical asides. 1.My religious reminiscenses. 2.My mental development. 3.Adaptation: an autobiographical epitome. 4.Why I took to philosophy. Pt.2: The Nobel Prize Winning Man of Letters; essayist and short story writer. 5.How I write. 6.A free man's worship. 7.An outline of intellectual rubbish. 8.The metaphysician's nightmare; retro me satanas. Pt.3: The philosopher of language. 9.Language. 10.Sentences, syntax, and parts of speech. 11.The uses of language. 12.The cult of 'common usage'. Pt.4: The logician and philosopher of mathematics. 13.Symbolic logic. 14.On induction. 15.Preface to Principia Mathematica. 16.Introduction to Principia Mathematica. 17.Summary of Part III, Principia Mathematica. 18.Summary of Part IV, Principia Mathematica. 19.Summary of Part V, Principia Mathematica. 20.Summary of Part VI, Principia Mathematica. 21.Introduction to the 2nd ed. of Principia Mathematica. 22.Mathematics and logic. 23.The validity of inference. 24.Dewey's new logic. 25.John Dewey. Pt.5: The epistemologist. 26.Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. 27.The theory of knowledge. 28.Epistemological premisses. Pt.6: The metaphsician. 29.Materialism; past and present. 30.Language and metaphysics. 31.The retreat from Pythagoras. Pt.7: Historian of philosophy. 32.Philosophy in the 20th century. 33.Aristotle's Logic. 34.St. Thomas Aquinas. 35.Currents of thought in the 19th century. 36.The philosophy of logical analysis. |
Pt.8: The psychologist. 37.Psychological and physical causal laws. 38.Truth and falsehood. 39.Knowledge behaviouristically considered. Pt.9: The moral philosopher. 40.Styles in ethics. 41.The place of sex among human values. 42.Individual and social ethics. 43.What I believe. 44.The expanding mental universe. Pt.10: The philosopher of education. 45.Education. 46.The aims of education. 47.Emotion and dicipline. 48.The function of a teacher. Pt.11: The philosopher of politics. 49.The reconciliation of individuality and citizenship. 50.Philosophy and politics. 51.Politically important desires. 52.Why I am not a communist. Pt.12: The philosopher in the field of economics. 53.Property. 54.Dialectical materialism. 55.The theory of surplus value. Pt.13: The philosopher of history. 56.On history. 57.The materialistic theory of history. 58.History as an art. Pt.14: The philosopher of culture: East and West. 59.Chinese and Western civilizatoin contrasted. 60.Eastern and Western ideals of happiness. Pt.15: The philosopher of religion. 61.The essence of religion. 62.What is agnostic? 63.Why I am not a Christian. 64.Can religion cure our trouble? Pt.16: The philosopher and expositor of science. 65.Physics and neutral monism. 66.Science and education. 67.Limitations of scientific method. 68.The new physics and relativity. 69.Science and values. 70.Non demonstrative inference. Pt.17: The analysis of international affairs. 71.The taming of power. 72.If we are to survive this dark time. 73.What would help mankind most? 74.Current perplexities. 75.World government. 76.The next half-century. 77.Life without fear. 78.Science and human life. 79.Open letter to Eisenhower and Khrushchev. 80.Man's peril. 81.Methods of settling diputes in the nuclear age. No index.![]() 2.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1961. 736 p. 24 cm. ![]() |