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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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The Will to Doubt.

1.New York; Philosophical Library, 1958. 126 p. 19 cm. (Wisdom library, 28)
* Watts & Co. から1941年に出版された Let the Poeple Think に収録された10本のエッセイと同じものが本書にも収録されている。Philosophical Library が、版権を買い取ったのであろうか?
Can men be rational? Free thought and official propaganda. On the value of scepticism. On youthful cynicism. Is science superstitious? "Useless" knowledge. What is the soul? The ancestry of fascism. Stoicism and mental health. Modern homogeneity. Men versus insects. On comets.

Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare.

1.London; Allen & Unwin, Jan. 1959. 93 p. 19 cm.
Preface. Introduction. 1.If brinkmanship continues. 2.If nuclear war comes. 3.Methods of settling disputes in the nuclear age. 4.Programme of steps towards peace. 5.New outlook needed before negotiations. 6.Disarmament. 7.Steps towards conciliation. 8.Territorial adjustments. 9.Approach to an international authority. 10.Some necessary changes in outlook. Appendix 1: Unilateral disarmament. Appendix 2: Inconsistency? Books recommended. No Index.

2.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1959. 93 p. 19 cm.

3.New York; AMS Press, 1968. 93 p. 22 cm.
* Reprint of the 1959 ed.

My Philsophical Development, with and appendix: Russell's philosophy, by Alan Wood.

1.London; Macgibbon & Kee, 1959. 279 p. 23 cm.
Prefatory note. 1.Introductory outline. 2.My present view of the world. 3.First efforts. 4.Excursion into idealism. 5.Revolt into pluralism. 6.Logical technique in mathematics. 7.Principia Mathematica; philosophical aspects. 8.Principia Mathematica; mathematical aspects. 9.The external world. 10.The impact of Wittgenstein. 11.Theory of knowledge. 12.Consciousness and experience. 13.Language. 14.Universals and particulars and names. 15.The definition of "truth". 16.Non-demonstrative inference. 17.The retreat from Pythagoras. 18.Some replies to criticism. / Russell's philosophy; a study of its development by Alan Wood. Index.

2.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1959. 279 p. 23 cm.

3.Toronto; Nelson, 1959.

4.London; Allen & Unwin, 1975. 208 p. port. 20 cm.
Wisdom of the West; a historical survey of Western philosophy in its social and political setting, ed. by Paul Foulkes.

1.London; Rathbone Books, 1959. 416 p. illus. 18 cm.
Foreword. Prologue. Before Socrates. Athens. Hellenism. Early Christianity. Scholasticism. Rise of modern philophy. British empiricism. Enlightenment and romanticism. Utilitarianism and since. Contemporary. Epilogue. Index.

2.London; Macdonald, 1959. 320 p. illus. 28 cm.

3.New York; Crescent Books, 1959. 320 p. illus. 28 cm.

4.Garden City, N. Y.; Doubleday, 1959. 320 p. illus. 28 cm.

5.Greenwich, Conn.; Fawcett, 1964. viii,416 p. illus. 18 cm. (Fawcett premier books, M211)

Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind.

1.London; Barker, c1960. 173 p. port. 23 cm.
* A transcript of a television series of 13 interviews with B. Russell by Woodrow Wyatt.
1.What is philosophy. 2.Religion. 3.War and pacifism. 4.Communism and capitalism. 5.Taboo morality. 6.Power. 7.What is happiness. 8.Nationalism. 9.Great Britain. 10.The role of the individual. 11.Fnanaticism and tolerance. 12.The H-bomb. 13.The possible future of mankind. No index.

* "The following thirteen dialogues with Bertrand Russell were filmed for television during four and one-half days in the spring of 1959. No prepared script was used and no retakes were made, since Lord Russell insisted he was not an actor"(From: Publisher's note)

2.Cleveland & New York; World, c1960. 173 p. port. 22 cm.

3.New York; Bard Books, 1960. 144 p. 22 cm.

4.(CANADA)Nelson, Foster & Scott, 1960. 173 p. port. 22 cm.

5.Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1974. 173 p. 22 cm.
* Reprint ofn the 1960 edtion.

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