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* 原著:Keeping pace? by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975


* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2010.9.22)

 平成13年最初のラッセルの言葉は、"Keeping pace?" です。時代の変化が早すぎると感じる場合と、遅く感じる場合があります。早く変わってほしいものは遅すぎると思いますが、考えや感情がついていけないと思うものが多いと時代の変化が早すぎると思うのが一般的だと思われます。早く変わりすぎる、と思うものがふえてくるとそれは「老化」の始まりでもありますが、皆さんどうでしょうか?(2000.12.28: 松下)

 石器時代から今日まで、人類はしだいに進歩のペースを早めてきた。もし穴居人(a cave man)が紀元前4000年頃のエジプト近辺で生活することになったなら、当時の多忙な'近代的'生活には耐えられないと感じたことだろう。(当時)人類は生活習慣を変え、狩猟生活をやめ、農業を始め、彼らの先祖が使っていた火打石に満足せず、金属について新規の試み(金属加工)を行いつつあった。穴居人は、「そのようなことはやめなさい。最近の若いやつはまったく生意気だ」と言ったかもしれない。


From the Stone Age to the present day, the rapidity of human progress has been gradually increasing. If a cave man could have returned to Egypt somewhere about the year 4000 BC he would have felt that the hurry of modern life had become almost unbearable. Men were altering their habits, taking to agriculture instead of hunting, and doing strange things with metals instead of being content with flints like their ancestors. This sort of thing, he would have said, must stop; the younger generation is becoming altogether too uppish.
Nevertheless it did not stop; on the contrary, except for the interval for recuperation during the Dark Ages, men have not merely continued to progress, but have progressed with continually increasing speed.
Is there any natural limit to this process? I think probably that the limit is to be found in the human nervous system. Children are born with essentially the same nervous system as belonged to children in the Stone Age, and this system is adapted, broadly speaking, to a life of settled habits and unchanging routine, alternating only with occasional outbursts of war or private vengeance.
There can be no doubt that the continually changing environment in which the modern man lives is fatiguing. Moreover, it means that each generation has to think out its own habits and its own expectations with very much less help from the old than was formerly the rule. The young, no doubt, make mistakes; but the old, when they try to think for them, make even greater mistakes. Habits of thought do not change so quickly in the individual as does the mechanical technique of life, so that the habits and opinions of the old seem archaic to the young.
Consider the Russian peasant whose father's ideas were those inherited from the original Byzantine missionaries of the seventh or eighth centuries. Imagine this man confronted with the doctrines of Communism, with Ford tractors, film propaganda, and all the apparatus of modern life. His attitude is likely to be one of bewilderment, either admiring or horrified according to his temperament. In China the gulf covered by an individual who becomes modern is even greater. His father held piously to the doctrines of Confucius, who lived in the sixth century before Christ, while he, if he has had a modern education, considers Communism and American big business the only alternatives worthy of consideration. This sort of thing produces a state of nervous tension tending toward hysteria.
When the rate of progress in the whole world has become as great as it now is in Russia and China, and perhaps even greater, it is to be feared that the whole human race will become hysterical, with the exception of a few stolid individuals too stupid to notice what is happening. This state of affairs is likely to produce and is indeed already tending to produce a world of instability and insanity without landmarks, without unquestioned habits, without settled convictions, but with increasingly passionate devotion to excitement offering destruction. I think it not unlikely that the natural limit to the possible rapidity of human progress will be set by some such collective hysteria.
The only alternative that I can see is that man may grow less intelligent and therefore make fewer inventions. If this should happen, it may be possible to maintain a steady rate of progress not too rapid for the human organism to endure. I have some hope that the educational systems of the world may produce this beneficial result.