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ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]
The Problems of Philosophy, 1912, by Bertrand Russell - contents
Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
I Appearance and Reality
II The Existence or Matter
III The Nature of Matter
IV Idealism
V Knowldege by acquaintance and Knowlledge by Descriptoin
VI On Induction
VII On Our Knowledge of General Principles
VIII How A Priori Knowledge is Possible
IX The World of Universals
X On Our Knowledge of Universals
XI On Intuitive Knowldege
XII Truth and Falsehood
XIII Knowledge, Error, and Probable Opinion
XIV The Limits of Philosophical Knowledge
XV The Value of Philosophy
Bibliographical note & Index