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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

The Problems of Philosophy, 1912, by Bertrand Russell


Chap. 1 / Chap. 2 / Chap. 3 / Chap. 4 / Chap. 5 / Chap. 6 / Chap. 7 / Chap. 8 / Chap. 9 / Chap. 10
Chap. 11 / Chap. 12 / Chap. 13 / Chap. 14 / Chap. 15 / Bibliographical note & Index

The Problems of Philosophy PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY [ Bertrand Russell ]


Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES I HAVE CONFINED myself in the main to those problems of philosophy in regard to which I thought it possible to say something positive and constructive, since merely negative criticism seemed out of place. For this reason, theory of knowledge occupies a larger space than metaphysics in the present volume, and some topics much discussed by philosophers are treated very briefly, if at all.
 I have derived valuable assistance from unpublished writings of G. E. Moore and J. M. Keynes: from the former, as regards the relations of sense-data to physical objects, and from the latter as regards probability and induction. I have also profited greatly by the criticisms and suggestions of Professor Gilbert Murray.(1912)

Note to Seventeenth Impression

WITH REFERECNCE to certain statements on pages 44, 75, 131, and 132, it should be remarked that this book was written in the early part of 1912 when China was still an Empire, and the name of the then late Prime Minister did begin with the letter B.(1943)