三浦俊彦「結ぼれ、了解、異文化、鼠−R. D. レインの視線−
『比較文学・文化論集』(東京大学比較文学・文化研究会)1985vol.1-2(通号n.2)pp.37-52 掲載
 *丸数字は、文字化けを起こすため、#1, #2,・・・に変更してあります。
 Jack is afraid of Jill
 Jill is afraid of Jack

 Jack is more afraid of Jill
  if Jack thinks
  that Jill thinks
 that Jack is afraid of Jill

 Jill is more afraid of Jack
  if Jill thinks
  that Jack thinks
 that Jill is afraid of Jack

 Since Jack is afraid
  that Jill will think that
    Jack is afraid
  Jack pretends that
    Jack is not afraid of Jill
 so that Jill will be more afraid of Jack

 and since Jill is afraid
  that Jack will think that
    Jill is afraid
  Jill pretends that
    Jill is not afraid of Jack

  Jack tries to make Jill afraid
    by not being afraid of Jill
  and Jill tries to make Jack afraid
    by not being afraid of Jack

 The more Jack is afraid of Jill
  the more frightened is Jack that
    Jill will think
      that Jack is afraid

 the more Jill is afraid of Jack
  the more frightened is Jill that
    Jack will think
      that Jill is afraid

 the more afraid Jack is of Jill
  the more frightened Jack is
 not to be frightened of Jill
 because it is very dangerous not to be afraid when
 faced with one so dangerous

 Jack is frightened because Jill is dangerous
 Jill appears dangerous because Jack is frightened
 the more afraid Jill is of Jack
  the more frightened Jill is
 not to be frightened of Jack
      (R. D. Laing, Knots, pp.77-78)