
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s148 - snatch

★ snatch 【(v) ひったくる,強奪する;不意に手に入れる,やっと(運良く)手に入れる;(米俗)誘拐する | (n) ひったくり】

* make a snatch ひったくる


あるいは アマゾンで購入
The crowd was frivolous still, and had learned nothing during the period of horror, except to snatch at pleasure more recklessly than before.
[群衆は依然として浮ついており,-以前よりもよりいっそう思慮分別なく快楽にとびつくこと以外- 第一次大戦の恐怖の時期から何一つ学んでいなかった。(いつ何があるかわからないので,楽しめる時に多いに楽しんでおこう,という気持ち)]

The flies were so numerous that at meal-time a table-cloth had to be put over the food, and one had to insert one's hand underneath and snatch a mouthful quickly.

Do not allow a child to snatch things from another child, even when it would be within its legal rights in doing so.

The thief snatched her handbag and ran.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

If you snatch something or snatch at something, you take it or pull it away quickly.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.