
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 i030 - in advance

★ in advance [あらかじめ,前もって;先に;前金で;立替で;(人・考えなど)より進んで(進歩して)]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Young people ought, at some stage in their education, to be taught political judgement, by listening to eloquence known in advance to be misleading, by reading partisan statements about past events and trying to infer what really happened, and so on. All this is the opposite of propaganda; it is the technique for rendering men immune to propaganda.

Do not say to yourself in advance, 'I should be happy if I could become absorbed in stamp-collecting' and thereupon set to work to collect stamps, for it may well happen that you will fail altogether to find stamp collecting interesting. Only what genuinely interests you can be of any use to you.

It is quite impossible to guess in advance what will interest a man, but most men are capable of a keen interest in something or other, and when once such an interest has been aroused their life becomes free from tedium.
 出典:ラッセル『幸福論』第12章「熱意 」]

I learned on the morning of November 11th, a few hours in advance of the general public, that the Armistice was coming.

In my second marriage, I had tried to preserve that respect for my wife's liberty which I thought that my creed enjoined. I found, however, that my capacity for forgiveness and what may be called Christian love was not equal to the demands that I was making on it, and that persistence in a hopeless endeavour would do much harm to me, while not achieving the intended good to others. Anybody else could have told me this in advance, but I was blinded by theory .


He borrowed the money in advance.

A small force was sent on in advance.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. / Galileo's ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary, 8th ed.]

He was in advance of scientists of his time.
[ 彼は同時代の科学者より進んでいた。(「化学者」と誤植あり。)
 出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.]