
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d023 - distil

★ distil (米 distill) [(v) 蒸留する;~を抜き出す]

* distillation (n):蒸留


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In the modern world there is hardly any leisure, not because men work harder than they did, but because their pleasures have become as strenuous as their work. The result is that, while cleverness has increased, wisdom has decreased because no one has time for the slow thoughts out of which wisdom, drop by drop, is distilled.

My first draft of the broadcast was an anaemic (anemic) product, pulling all the punches. I threw it away at once, girded myself up and determined to say exactly how dreadful the prospect was unless measures were taken. The result was a distilled version of all that I had said theretofore.

But the bleak moors suited our mood. They were stark, but gave a sense of vast freedom. We spent our days in long walks and our nights in an emotion that held all the pain of the world in solution, but distilled from it an ecstasy that seemed almost more than human.
[しかし,その不毛の荒野が私たちの気分に合っていた。荒野は,荒涼としていたが,際限のない自由の感覚を私たちに与えてくれた。私たちは,昼間は,長時間の散歩をして過ごし,また。夜は,あらゆるこの世の苦しみを,それらが溶け合った状態で(in solution)抱いているという感情に浸りながら過ごした。しかし,そこから人間のものと思えないような'精神的高揚感'が蒸留されてにじみ出てきた。(注:いろいろなものが溶け合った状態から,この世のものと思われないようなすばらしいものが蒸留されてにじみでてきた,といったニュアンスか。


Water can be made pure by distilling it. / The televised interview was distilled from 16 hours of film.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]