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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* (語学テキスト)佐山栄太郎(編)『訳注ラッセル選』から採録
* 出典:佐山栄太郎(編)『訳注ラッセル選』(南雲堂,1960年7月刊)pp.108-1093.

The capacity for whole-hearted joys and sorrows
The decay*1 of art in our time is not only due to the fact that the social function*2 of the artist is not as important as in former days; it is due also to the fact that spontaneous delight is no longer felt as something which it is important to be able to enjoy. Among comparatively*3 unsophisticated populations*4 folk dances and popular music still flourish*5, and something of the poet*6 exists in very many men. But as men grow more industrialized and regimented*7, the kind of delight that is common in children becomes impossible to adults, because they are always thinking of the next thing, and cannot let themselves be absorbed in*8 the moment*9. This habit of thinking of the 'next thing' is more fatal to any kind of aesthetic*10 excellence than any other habit of mind that can be imagined, and if art, in any important sense, is to survive, it will not be by the foundation*11 of solemn academies*12, but by recapturing*13 the capacity for whole-hearted joys and sorrows which prudence and foresight*14 have all but*15 destroyed.
*1 decay「衰頽」
*2 social function「社会的機能」
*3 comparatively「比較的に」
*4 unsophistiated populations「わるずれしていない,素朴な人々」 populations と複数になっているのは people に近い意味で,単数は「人口」という気持。
*5 florish[flri]「盛んに行われる」 この語はflower と同じ語源。
*6 something of the poet 「多少の詩人気質」 用例: He is something of a lawyer.(彼は法律も多少知っている。)
*7 regimented 「組織化される」「統制される」
*8 be absorbed in 「~に没頭する」
*9 the moment は前の the next thing と対照になって,「今の瞬間」の意。
*10 aesthetic [i:etik]「美の」「美学的」
*11 foundation 「設立」ここでは「根底」ではない。
*12 academy [kdimi] 音楽とか絵画など特殊技能を教える「学校」,もう一つの意味は,美術,文学などを奨励する学者などの「協会」
*13 recapture 「とり戻す」
*14 prudence and foresight 「分別と先見」つまり人が分別があり先のことを考える故に,となるわけ。
*15 a11 but = almost

something which it is important to be able to enjoy で,which は前の something を代表するのはもちろんであるが,これが enjoy の目的語で,次の it は to be able の仮主語。another habit of mind that can be imagined 「想像出来るいかなる他の考え方の習慣」で,非常に強調した口調。
