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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第11章 (松下 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第11章 組織体の生物学 n.11 - ニュースや情報の伝達の速さ

 蒸気船鉄道,そうして,最後には飛行機が,(諸国)政府が遠隔地に対して迅速に権力を行使することを可能にした。(スペイン領)サハラやメソポタミアで反乱が起こっても,今日では数時間以内で鎮圧できるが,他方,百年前だったら軍隊を送るだけでも数ケ月を要したであろうし,また,バルチスタン(注:Baluchistan パキスタン南西部からイラン南東部にまたがる乾燥地帯)におけるアレクサンダー大王の率いた兵士たちのように,喉の渇きのために軍隊(の兵隊)が死んでいくのを防ぐことは非常に困難であったであろう。


Chapter XI: The Biology of Organizations, n.11

Steamships, railways, and finally aeroplanes have made it possible for governments to exercise power quickly at great distances. A revolt in the Sahara or in Mesopotamia can now be quelled within a few hours, whereas a hundred years ago it would have required months to send an army, and there would have been great difficulty in preventing it from dying of thirst, like Alexander's soldiers in Baluchistan.

Quite as important as the mobility of persons and goods is the rapidity in the transmission of news. In the war of 1812, the battle of New Orleans was fought after the conclusion of peace, though neither of the opposing armies was aware of this fact. At the end of the Seven Years War, British forces captured Cuba and the Philippines, but this was not known in Europe until peace had been signed. Until the invention of the telegraph, ambassadors in time of peace and generals in time of war had necessarily a very great latitude, since their instructions could not take account of the most recent occurrences. Agents of a distant government were very frequently called upon to act on their own judgment, and thus became much more than mere transmitters of a centrally directed policy.

(掲載日:2017.11.118 /更新日: )