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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第6章 - Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第6章 むきだしの権力 n.5 - 僭主(僭王)(松下彰良 訳)


Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.5

The word "tyrant" did not, originally, imply any bad qualities in the ruler, but only an absence of legal or traditional title. Many of the early tyrants governed wisely, and with the consent of the majority of their subjects. Their only implacable enemies, as a rule, were the aristocrats. Most of the early tyrants were very rich men, who bought their way to power, and maintained themselves more by economic than by military means. They are to be compared rather with the Medici than with the dictators of our day.
(掲載日:2017.07.01 /更新日: )