記者会見当日(松下彰良 訳)
この集り(記者会見)で私を勇気づけてくれた人として,他に,オブザーヴァー紙のケネス・ハリスと共に,ウッド夫妻(アラン・ウッドとマリー・ウッド)(右上写真出典:Alan Wood's Bertrand Russell - The Passionate Sceptic, c.1957)がいた。彼等は,記者会見が滞りなくうまく運ぶように,様々の,負担が大きく,煩わしい骨の折れる仕事をやってくれた。そうして,それは結局うまく事が運んだ。会場は,人間だけでなく,録音機器や放送機材でギューギュー詰め状態であった(右上写真拡大版の出典:The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and in His Own Words, 1972)。
(右欄下の YouTube ビデオ:ラッセル=アインシュタイン声明(or宣言)の朗読ですが,文章をかなり変更してしまっており,Hiroshimaも出てきません。良いことではないと思いますが・・・。//ラッセル=アインシュタイン声明を別ウィンドウで表示)
v.3,chap.2: At home and abroad
Amongst others who encouraged me at this meeting were Alan Wood and Mary Wood who, with Kenneth Harris of the Observer, executed a variety of burdensome and vexatious drudgeries to make the occasion go off well. And in the event it did go well. The hall was packed, not only with men, but with recording and television machines. I read the manifesto and the list of signatories and explained how and why it had come into being. I then, with Rotblat's help, replied to questions from the floor. The journalistic mind, naturally, was impressed by the dramatic way in which Einstein's signature had arrived. Henceforth, the manifesto was called the Einstein-Russell (or vice versa) manifesto. At the beginning of the meeting a good deal of scepticism and indifference and some out and out hostility was shown by the press. As the meeting continued, the jounalists appeared to become sympathetic and even approving, with the exception of one American journalist who felt affronted for his country by something I said in reply to a question. The meeting ended after two and a half hours with enthusiasm and high hope of the outcome of the call to scientists to hold a conference.