
dad-selfless-love 子供たちには,両親の暖かい愛情を受ける権利がある。そうした愛情は,子供たちに幸福なのびのびとした(気苦労のない)人生観を与えるものであり,健康な心の発達のために不可欠なものである。しかし,そうした愛情は,子供が呼吸する空気のように,子供が当然と考えるようなものであるべきであり,反応することを期待されるようなものであってはならない。問題の本質は,こういう反応を求めるか否かの問題である。多少は自発的な反応も見られるだろうが,それはすべて儲けもの(予想外のボーナス)である。

E-Fromm_Mother-love-chilodrenFor one reason or another a very large proportion of married women in civilized countries fail to have a satisfying sex life. When this happens to a woman she is apt to seek from her children an illegitimate and spurious gratification of desires which only men can gratify adequately and naturally. I do not mean anything obvious: I mean merely a certain emotional tension, a certain passionateness of feeling, a pleasure in kissing and fondling to excess. These things used to be thought quite right and proper in an affectionate mother. Indeed, the difference between what is right and what is harmful is very subtle. It is absurd to maintain, as some Freudians do, that parents ought not to kiss and fondle their children at all. Children have a right to warm affection from their parents; it gives them a happy, care-free outlook upon the world, and is essential to healthy psychological development. But it should be something that they take for granted, like the air they breathe, not something to which they are expected to respond. It is this question of response that is the essence of the matter. There will be a certain spontaneous response, which is all to the good; but it will be quite different from the active pursuit of friendship from childish companions. Psychologically, parents should be a background, and the child should not be made to act with a view to giving his parents pleasure. Their pleasure should consist in his growth and progress ; anything that he gives them in the way of response should be accepted gratefully as a pure extra, like fine weather in spring, but should not be expected as part of the order of nature.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy



親の子供に対する接し方 - (対)男の子と(対)女の子 の違い

tied_to_his mothers_apronstrings 大雑把に言えば,本能は,有益な結果をもたらす快適な行為を促すが,結果は快適ではないかも知れない(必ずしも快適ではない)。食べることは快適だが,消化は,特に消化不良の時は,快適ではない。性行為は快適だが,出産はそうではない。幼い子供に頼られるのは快適であるが,息子がたくましく成長して独り立ちすることは,そうではない。原始的な母親タイプの女性は,おっぱいを飲ませている赤ん坊から最大の快楽を得るが,子供が無力でなくなるにつれて,次第に快楽が少なくなっていく。そこで,快楽のために,子供が無力である時期を長びかせ,親の導きなしですませる時期を先へ延ばそうとする傾向が生じる。このことは,「母親のエプロンのひもにくくりつけられた」(注:”tied to his mother’s apronstrings” 日本で言えば「乳離しない」か?)などの決まり文句の中にも認められる。
mothers_in_law この弊害は,男の子の場合は,学校へやる以外に治す手はないと(昔は)考えられていた。(これに対し)女の子の場合は,それは弊害とは認められなかった。その理由は,女の子は(もし裕福ならば)無力で人を頼りにする人間にしておいたほうが望ましいと考えられたからであり、また,これまで母親にすがりついていたように,結婚後は,夫にすがりつくようになればよい,と思われたからである。(しかし)そういうことはめったに起こらず,その失敗は,「妻のママさん」というジョークを生み出した。ジョークのねらいの一つは,考えることを妨げることであるが-- このジョークの場合,そのねらいは見事に的中した。人に頼るように育てられた少女は,当然自分の母親に頼るようになるので,従って,幸せな結婚の本質である男性との心からの協力関係に入ることができないということを,誰も理解(認識)することができなかったようである。

The first of these is of a sort which occurs wherever intelligence observes the pleasures to be derived from instinct. Broadly speaking, instinct prompts pleasant acts which have useful consequences, but the consequences may not be pleasant. Eating is pleasant, but digestion is not specially when it is indigestion. Sex is pleasant, but parturition is not. The dependence of an infant is pleasant, but the independence of a vigorous grown-up son is not. The primitive maternal type of woman derives most pleasure from the infant at the breast, and gradually less pleasure as the child grows less helpless. There is therefore a tendency, for the sake of pleasure, to prolong the period of helplessness, and to put off the time when the child can dispense with parental guidance. This is recognised in conventional phrases, such as being “tied to his mother’s apronstrings (apron strings)”. It was thought impossible to deal with this evil in boys except by bending them away to school. In girls it was not recognized as an evil, because (if they were well-to-do) it was thought desirable to make them helpless and dependent, and it was hoped that after marriage they would cling to their husbands as they had formerly clung to their mothers. This seldom happened, and its failure gave rise to the “mother-in-law” joke. One of the purposes of a joke is to prevent thought –a purpose in which this particular joke was highly successful. No one seemed to realize that a girl brought up to be dependent would naturally be dependent upon her mother, and therefore could not enter into that whole-hearted partnership with a man which is the essence of a happy marriage.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

1) tied to his mother’s apron strings
2) mother-in-law 義母 (mother-in-law joke 義理の母に関するジョーク)

ふたつ目の “mother-in-law” は、日本人は、「お嫁さんから見た義母(しゅうとめ)」のことだ考えて、「義母にいじめられる嫁」のイメージを抱きやすい。
しかし、その後ろに書かれているラッセルの文章(その失敗は,「妻のママさん」というジョークが生まれた。ジョークのねらいの一つは,考えることを妨げることであるが-- このジョークの場合,そのねらいは見事に的中した。人に頼るように育てられた少女は,当然自分の母親に頼るようになるので・・・)の内容とあわないことに気づくはず。気づかなければこのへんの文章は理解できない。


from_cradle_to_grave しかし,(これに対し)反応を求めるのは,親の愛情の本質ではない。
子供は,無力な間は,母親を必要とする,それだけで十分な反応なのである。やがて,子供が大人になり始めると(注: grow up 動物は赤ん坊の時から成長し続ける。 ‘up’ がついているので,ここでは 大人になり始める=大人に近づく),彼女(母親)の愛情は少なくなり,要求が増えるかもしれない。

But it is not of the essence of parental love to seek a response. The natural unsophisticated parental instinct feels towards the child as towards an externalized part of the parent’s body. If your great toe is out of order you attend to it from self-interest, and you do not expect it to feel grateful. The savage woman, I imagine, has a very similar feeling towards her child. She desires its welfare in just the same way as she desires her own, especially while it is still very young. She has no more sense of self-denial in looking after the child than in looking after herself ; and for that very reason she does not look for gratitude. The child’s need of her is sufficient response so long as it is helpless. Later, when it begins to grow up, her affection diminishes and her demands may increase. In animals parental affection ceases when the child is adult, and no demands are made upon it ; but in human beings, even if they are very primitive, this is not the case. A son who is a lusty warrior is expected to feed and protect his parents when they are old and decrepit ; the story of Aneas and Anchises embodies this feeling at a higher level of culture. With the growth of foresight there is an increasing tendency to exploit children’s affections for the sake of their help when old age comes. Hence the principle of filial piety, which has existed throughout the world and is embodied in the Fifth Commandment. With the development of private property and ordered government, filial piety becomes less important ; after some centuries people become aware of this fact, and the sentiment goes out of fashion. In the modern world a man of fifty may be financially dependent upon a parent of eighty, so that the important thing is still the affection of the parent for the child, rather than of the child for the parent. This, of course, applies chiefly to the propertied classes ; among wage-earners the older relationship persists. But even there it is being gradually displaced as a result of old-age pensions and similar measures. Affection of children for parents, therefore, is ceasing to deserve a place among cardinal virtues, while affection of parents for children remains of enormous importance.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

[寸言] ★一億総活躍
ichioku-sokatuyaku_abe これに対し、自由競争を信奉する米国や(その真似を好んでする)日本などでは、「拡大し続ける社会保障費を抑制しなければならない」ということで、逆の動きもしているが、格差拡大(非正規労働者は労働者全体の約4割!)や貧困対策(日本の子どもの貧困率は先進国で最悪!)に力を入れずに、「頑張った者が報われる社会」(安倍総理)などと言い続けている。そういった総理を支持している国民が多いのだから、被虐的な国民が少なくないのかも知れない。



by Lady Ottoline Morrell, vintage snapshot print, 1923-1924
by Lady Ottoline Morrell, vintage snapshot print, 1923-1924


BR-1956I hold that love and knowledge are the two main requisites for right action, yet, in dealing with moral education, I have hitherto said nothing about love. My reason has been that the right sort of love should be the natural fruit resulting from the proper treatment of the growing child, rather than something consciously aimed at throughout the various stages. We have to be clear as to the kind of affection to be desired, and as to the disposition appropriate to different ages. From ten or twelve years old until puberty a boy is apt to be very destitute of affection, and there is nothing to be gained by trying to force his nature. Throughout youth there is less occasion for sympathy than in adult life, both because there is less power of giving effective expression to it, and because a young person has to think of his or her own training for life, largely to the exclusion of other people’s interests. For these reasons we should be more concerned to produce sympathetic and affectionate adults than to force a precocious development of these qualities in early years. Our problem, like all problems in the education of character, is a scientific one, belonging to what may be called psychological dynamics. Love cannot exist as a duty : to tell a child that it ought to love its parents and its brothers and sisters is utterly useless, if not worse. Parents who wish to be loved must behave so as to elicit love, and must try to give to their children those physical and mental characteristics which produce expansive affections.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

BR-1944 親子愛、兄弟愛、郷土愛、愛国心、その他、愛(情)を義務化することは,その愛(情)を破壊することである。お互いの関係や社会‥国家との関係がよければそういった愛情は自然に育まれてくるはずである。親子愛でも愛国心でも、愛(情)を強制しようとする者は、愛(情)に失敗した者であろう。


1 家族は、社会の自然かつ基礎的な単位として、尊重される。


children_equal-relationship 愛情深い親は,度を越えた気ままを許すような環境を作り出し,愛情のない親は自発性が押さえつけられるような環境を作り出す。自由な競争や対等な協力において,自発性への視野(機会)を与えられるのは,同年輩の仲間のみである。暴虐な行為を伴わない自尊心,奴隷根性を伴わない思いやりは,対等の仲間との付きあいの中で学ぶのが一番よい。

Affectionate parents create a too indulgent milieu; parents without affection create one where spontaneity is repressed. It is only contemporaries who can give scope for spontaneity in free competition and in equal co-operation. Self-respect without tyranny, consideration without slavishness, can be learnt best in dealing with equals. For these reasons no amount of parental solicitude can give a boy or girl the same advantages at home as are to be enjoyed in a good school.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children

jyuken-kyoso 上位の学校(小学校から有名中学へ、中学から有名高校へ)へできるだけ多くの生徒を合格させることが中心の学校教育にあっては、ラッセルの言うような生徒同士の思いやりは余り育たないであろう。


nipponkaigi_abenaikaku-members 子供に抽象的な道徳教育を与えることは,愚かなことであり,時間の浪費である。即ち、(道徳教育は)すべて具体的で,現実の状況から実際に必要とされるものでなければならない。大人の見地からすると道徳的であることも,多くは,子供にとっては,のこぎりの使い方を教わるのとまったく同じように感じられる。子供は,いま物事の処理の仕方を教わっているのだと感じるのである。これが,お手本が非常に重要である理由の一つである。大工の仕事を見ていた子供は,大工の動作(所作)をまねようとする。両親がいつも親切かつ思いやりのあるふるまいをしているのを見ている子供は,そういう点で親をまねようとする。どちらの場合も,子供は,まねようとするものに対し威信を認めている。もしも,しかつめらしくわが子にのこぎりの使い方を教えたとしても,あなた自身はいつものこぎりを斧(おの)として使おうとしているのであれば,あなたは彼を大工にすることは決してできないであろう。また,わが子に向かって妹に親切にしなさいといくら勧めたとしても,自分自身は彼女に親切にしてやっていないのであれば,あなたの教育はすべて無駄になるだろう。

It is a folly and a waste of time to give abstract moral instruction to a child ; everything must be concrete, and actually demanded by the existing situation. Much that, from an adult point of view, is moral education, feels to the child just like instruction in handling a saw. The child feels that he is being shown how the thing is done. That is one reason why example is so important. A child who has watched a carpenter at work tries to copy his movements ; a child who has seen his parents behaving always with kindness and consideration tries to copy them in this respect. In each case prestige is attached to what he wants to imitate. If you gave your child a solemn lesson in the use of a saw, but yourself always tried to use it as a chopper, you would never make a carpenter of him. And if you urge him to be kind to his little sister, but are not kind to her yourself, all your instruction will be wasted.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children

chimimouryo_gosei 道徳や愛国心や公共心(国益など)を説く人間(特に政治家や愛国的な評論家など)には、皮肉なことに「不道徳」な人間が多い。口では道徳的なことを言っても、行動においては、ひとりよがりで「不道徳」な人間が少なくない。いや、「不道徳」というより、「偽善者」といったほうがよい人も少なくない。たとえば、◯◯◯◯や△△△△や・・・。


three boy read book indoors
three boy read book indoors

 私は,(幼児期ではなく)大学時代(注:ケンブリッジ大学)においてさえ,自分より2,3歳年上の先輩から多くのことを学んだが,それは,重々しく尊敬すべきお歴々(注:signors イタリア語のシニュールからきている)からは学ぶことができなかったものであった。

Learn From Mistakes Move Forward words on gears and people marching, climbing or walking up them to illustrate people who make errors but keep going toward their goal or mission
Learn From Mistakes Move Forward words on gears and people marching, climbing or walking up them to illustrate people who make errors but keep going toward their goal or mission

A slightly older boy or girl remains always a very effective stimulus to ambition, and, if kind, can explain difficulties better than an adult, from the recent recollection of overcoming them. Even at the university I learnt much from people a few years senior to me which I could not have learnt from grave and reverend signors.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children



play_with_older-chidren 年上の子供の大きな効用は,達成可能な野心を与えることにある。年上の子供のゲームに加わる資格があると思われたいために,子供は,大変な努力をするものである。年上の子供は,無造作な自然な仕方でふるまい,大人が子供とゲームをするときに必ずやるように,気を使ったり,ふり(make-believe)をしたりすることがない(注:弱いまねをしたり,たいしたことでないのにおおげさにほめたり・・・。因みに,安藤氏は「まねごと」と,魚津氏は「手加減したりしない」と訳している)。もしも,大人がこのような気遣いをしなければ,子供には苦痛となるだろう。なぜなら,大人は力と権威を持っているからであり,また,大人は自分が楽しむためではなく,子供を楽しませるために遊ぶからである。子供は,親が極端に厳格な躾けをした場合を除いて,大人に対してはありえないような流儀で,兄や姉の言うことは喜んで服従するものである。

The great use of older children is to provide attainable ambitions. A child will make tremendous efforts to be thought worthy of joining in an older child’s game. The older child behaves in an off-hand natural way, without the consideration and make-believe which is bound to form part of a grown-up person’s games with children. The same lack of consideration in a grown-up would be painful, both because the grown-up has power and authority, and because he plays to please the child, not to please himself. A child will be cheerfully submissive to an older brother or sister, in a way which would be impossible towards an adult, except as a result of excessive discipline. The lesson of co-operation in a subordinate role is best learnt from other children
 出典 On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children



So excited to see daddy!
So excited to see daddy!



BR-1956The modern parent wants his children to be as unconstrained in his presence as in his absence ; he wants them to feel pleasure when they see him coming ; he does not want a fictitious Sabbath calm while he is watching, succeeded by pandemonium as soon as he turns his back. To win the genuine affection of children is a joy as great as any that life has to offer.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 9: Punishment

(訳注)「He (= The modern parent) wants them to feel pleasure when they see him coming.」 は,岩波文庫版の安藤訳『幸福論』では「親がくるのを見れば喜んで欲しいと願っている」と,また,みすず書房版の魚津訳『幸福論』では,「子どもたちが親のくるのをみて喜んでくれるように願っている」と訳されている。これは誤訳ではないか?
↑これは私の早とちりです。コメントされた方が言うとおりですので、訳を修正させていただきました。(なお、「人の喜びを我が喜びとする。 」はそのまま(正解)ですね。)


children-cruel しばらくの間,彼をほかの子供や動物から引き離しておかなければならない。そうして,彼らと付きあうのは安全ではないのだ,と説明してあげなければならない。自分が(同じような)残酷な仕うちをされたらどんなに苦しむかということを,できるだけ実感するようにしてあげなければならない。残酷さへの衝動という形で,大きな不幸が彼の身の上に降りかかってきたのであり,年長者たちは将来同じような不幸が彼に降りかからないように努力しているのだ,というふうに彼に感じさせなければならない。こういった方法は,少数の病的な事例を除いて,あらゆる場合にまちがいなく成功する,と私は信じている。

children-imitate_adult_cruelityIf, in spite of all your efforts, grave cruelty develops at a later age, the matter must be taken very seriously, and dealt with like an illness. The boy should be punished in the sense that unpleasant things should happen to him, just as they do when he has measles, but not in the sense that he should be made to feel wicked. He should be isolated for a while from other children and from animals, and it should be explained to him that it is not safe to let him associate with them. He should be made to realize, as far as possible, how he would suffer if he were cruelly treated. He should be made to feel that a great misfortune had befallen him in the shape of an impulse to cruelty, and that his elders were endeavouring to shield him from a similar misfortune in the future. I believe that such methods would be completely successful in all except a few pathological cases.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 9: Punishment


