ラッセル『結婚論』第二章「母系社会」n.3: 父親の子供に対する関係

第二章 母系社会 n.3

 しかし,父親の子供に対する関係は,間接的,仮説的,推論的(な関係)である。つまり,それは妻の貞操に対する信念(信頼心)と結びついており,従って,とても知的な領域に属しているので,本能的なもの(property 人間の属性)とみなすことはできない。あるいは,少なくとも,父性の(父親としての)感情は,本質的に言って,男性自身の子供に向けられているものでなければならないと想定するならば,本能的なものとは言えないと思われるだろう。けれども,これは決して,必ずしも事実ではない。メラネシア人は,人には父親がある(注:父親が介在しなければ子どもは生まれない)ということを知らないが,それでも彼らの間では,父親は,子供が自分の子供だと知っている地域の父親に少なくとも負けないくらい,自分の子供をかわいがる。(注:父性の感情は,本能的だとも,本能的ではないとも,簡単には決められない,ということ)

Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.3

Seeing that all civilized modern societies are based upon the patriarchal family, and that the whole conception of female virtue has been built up in order to make the patriarchal family possible, it is important to inquire what natural impulses have gone to produce the sentiment of paternity. This question is by no means so easy as unreflective persons might suppose. The feeling of a mother towards her child is one which it is not at all difficult to understand; since there is a close physical tie, at any rate up to the moment of weaning. But the relation of father to child is indirect, hypothetical and inferential : it is bound up with beliefs as to the virtue of the wife, and belongs accordingly to a region too intellectual to be regarded as properly instinctive. Or at least it would so seem if one supposed that the sentiment of paternity must be directed essentially towards a man’s own children. This, however, is by no means necessarily the case. The Melanesians do not know that people have fathers, yet among them fathers are at least as fond of their children as they are where they know them to be their children. A flood of light has been thrown upon the psychology of paternity by Malinowski’s books on the Trobriand Islanders. Three books especially – Sex and Repression in Savage Society, The Father in Primitive Psychology, and The Sexual Life of Savages in North-West Melanesia- are quite indispensable to any understanding of the complex sentiment which we call that of paternity. There are, in fact, two entirely distinct reasons which may lead a man to be interested in a child: he may be interested in the child because he believes it to be his child, or again he may be interested in it because he knows it to be his wife’s child. The second of these motives alone operates where the part of the father in generation is not known.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第二章「母系社会 」n.2:「本能」という言葉は曖昧

第二章 母系社会 n.2


たとえば,生娘(処女の若い女性)が公式に(officially 公務として)(しかも,時にはこそこそとではなく公然と)僧侶によって処女を奪われることは,未開人の間ばかりではなく,一部のかなり文明化した種族の間でもよく見られた慣習であった。キリスト教国の男性は,処女を奪うことは花婿の特権であるべきだと考えてきたし,また,大部分のキリスト教徒は,いずれにせよ最近まで,宗教的な理由によって処女を奪う慣習に対して自分たちが嫌悪感を抱くのは本能的なものである,と考えてきたであろう。




Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.2

The instinctive element in sex relations is much less than is usually supposed. It is not my purpose in this book to go into anthropology except in so far as may be necessary to illustrate present-day problems, but there is one respect in which that science is very necessary for our purposes, and that is, to show how many practices, which we should have thought contrary to instinct, can continue for long periods without causing any great or obvious conflict with instinct. It has, for example, been a common practice not only with savages but with some comparatively civilied races, for virgins to be officially (and sometimes publicly) deflowered by priests. In Christian countries men have held that defloration should be the prerogative of the bridegroom, and most Christians, at any rate until recent times, would have regarded their repugnance to the custom of religious defloration as an instinctive one. The practice of lending one’s wife to a guest as an act of hospitality is also one which to the modern European seems instinctively repugnant, and yet it has been very widespread. Polyandry is another custom which an unread white man would suppose contrary to human nature. Infanticide might seem still more so ; yet the facts show that it is resorted to with great readiness wherever it seems economically advantageous. The fact is that, where human beings are concerned, instinct is extraordinarily vague and easily turned aside from its natural course. This is the case equally among savages and among civilized communities. The word “instinct”, in fact, is hardly the proper one to apply to anything so far from rigid as human behaviour in sexual matters. The only act in this whole realm which can be called instinctive in the strict psychological sense is the act of sucking in infancy. I do not know how it may be with savages, but civilized people have to learn to perform the sexual act. It is not uncommon for doctors to be asked by married couples of some years’ standing for advice as to how to get children, and to find on examination that the couples have not known how to perform intercourse. The sexual act is not, therefore, in the strictest sense, instinctive, although of course there is a natural trend towards it and a desire not easily to be satisfied without it. Indeed, where human beings are concerned we do not have the precise behaviour-patterns which are to be found among other animals, and instinct in that sense is replaced by something rather different. What we have with human beings is first of all a dissatisfaction leading to activities of a more or less random and imperfect sort, but arriving gradually, more or less by accident, at an activity which gives satisfaction and which is therefore repeated. What is instinctive is thus not so much the finished activity as the impulse to learn it, and often the activity which would give satisfaction is by no means definitely predetermined, though, as a rule, the biologically most advantageous activity will give the most complete satisfaction, provided it is learnt before contrary habits have been acquired.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第二章 母系社会n.1:結婚の慣習における3つの要因

第二章 母系社会 n.1

 (社会的制度としての)結婚の慣習は,常に,3つの要因の混ざったものであり,それらは,それぞれ,大ざっばに,本能的,経済的,宗教的と呼ぶことができるであろう。私は,これらは ー結婚以外の分野(領域)でも同様であるが- 明確に区別することができると言おうとしているのではない。日曜日には閉店する(商売しない)という事実には宗教的な起源があるが,現在では,それは(宗教的な意味合いは消え)経済的な事実である。性に関する多くの法律や慣習についても,同様である(同じことが言える)。宗教的な起源を持つ有用な慣習は,有用であるがゆえに,宗教的な基盤が崩れ去ったあとも存続する(生き残る)ことが多い。
宗教的な(起源を持つ)ものと,本能的な(起源を持つ)ものとの区別もまた,なかなかつけにくい。人間の行為に対し非常に強い影響力(支配力)を有する宗教には,通例,本能的な基盤が存在している。けれども,宗教は,(その宗教における)伝統の重要性,及び,本能的に可能な行為がいろいろある場合における特定の種類の行為への優先権の付与(のあり方に)よって,特徴づけられる。たとえば,恋愛と嫉妬(心)は,ともに本能的な感情であるけれども,宗教の定めるところでは,嫉妬(心)は,社会が支持すべき道徳的な感情であるのに対して,恋愛(注:”love” は性を越えた愛情ではなく,主として異性愛の愛情=恋愛感情)は,せいぜい許せる程度のものとされてきた(されてきている)。

Chapter II Matrilineal Societies

Marriage customs have always been a blend of three factors, which may be loosely called instinctive, economic, and religious respectively. I do not mean that these can be sharply distinguished, any more than they can in other spheres. The fact that shops are closed on Sundays has a religious origin, but is now an economic fact, and so it is with many laws and customs in relation to sex. A useful custom which has a religious origin will often survive on account of its utility after the religious basis has been undermined. The distinction between what is religious and what is instinctive is also a difficult one to make. Religions which have any very strong hold over men’s actions have generally some instinctive basis. They are distinguished, however, by the importance of tradition, and by the fact that, among the various kinds of actions which are instinctively possible, they give a preference to certain kinds ; for example, love and jealousy are both instinctive emotions, but religion has decreed that jealousy is a virtuous emotion to which the community ought to lend support, while love is at best excusable.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.8:現行の性倫理批評における二つの課題

 以上列挙した全ての観点から吟味された後でなければ,いかなる性倫理(注:sexual ethic。ethics と複数形なら「倫理学」)も,しっかりした根拠に立って,その是非(正当化できるか,不適切とするか)を決めることはできない。(性倫理の)改革者も反動家も,同様に,問題の一つの側面かあるいはよくても二つの側面しか考察しない癖(傾向)がある。特に,個人的な観点政治的な観点とが組みあわさっている場合(両方の側面から検討されていること)は稀である。このうちの一方が他方よりも重要であるとは絶対に言えないにもかかわらずである(注:and yet それは「~にもかかわらず。https://reibunpo.com/yet/yet-and-yet.shtml)。また,個人的な観点から見て良い制度は,政治的な観点から見ても良い制度であるとかその逆も真である,という確信を,我々は,アプリオリ(注:経験に依存せず・先見的)に抱くことはできない



出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.

No sexual ethic can be either justified or condemned on solid grounds until it has been examined from all the points of view above enumerated. Reformers and reactionaries alike are in the habit of considering one or at most two of the aspects of the problem. It is especially rare to find any combination of the private and the political points of view, and yet it is quite impossible to say that either of these is more important than the other, and we can have no assurance a priori that a system which is good from a private point of view would also be good from a political point of view, or vice versa. My own belief is that in most ages and in most places obscure psychological forces have led men to adopt systems involving quite unnecessary cruelty, and that this is still the case among the most civilised races at the present day. I believe also that the advances in medicine and hygiene have made changes in sexual ethics desirable both from a private and public point of view, while, as already suggested, the increasing role of the State in education is gradually rendering the father less important than he has been throughout historical times. We have, therefore, a twofold task in criticising the current ethics: on the one hand we have to eliminate the elements of superstition, which are often subconscious; on the other hand we have to take account of those entirely new factors which make the wisdom of past ages the folly instead of the wisdom of the present.
In order to obtain a perspective upon the existing system, I shall first consider some systems which have existed in the past or exist at the present time among the less civlised portions of mankind. I shall then proceed to characterise the system now in vogue in Western civilisation, and finally to consider the respects in which this system should be amended and the grounds for hoping that such amendment will take place.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.


ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.7:性倫理の人口問題への影響


We come next to the question of population. This is in itself a vast problem which must be considered from many points of view. There is the question of the health of mothers, the question of the health of children, the question of the psychological effects of large and small families respectively upon the character of children. These are what may be called the hygienic aspects of the problem. Then there are the economic aspects, both personal and pubic: the question of the wealth per head of a family or a community in relation to the size of the family or the birth-rate of the community. Closely connected with this is the bearing of the pqpulation question upon international politics and the possibility of world peace. And finally there is the eugenic question as to the improvement or deterioration of the stock through the different birth and death rates of the different sections of the community.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.


ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.6:法律と性道徳との関係

 法律は,二つの異なる方法(仕方)で性と関わりを持つ。(即ち,)一方では,何であれ(どのようなものであれ)当の社会が採用した性倫理を強制することであり,他方では性の領域における個人の通常の権利を保護することである。後者には,二つの主要な分野がある。一つは,女性や未成年者を暴行(強姦など)や有害な搾取から保護することであり,もう一つは,性病を予防することである。これらのどちらも,通例,純粋にその(本来の)価値に従って(on its merits 価値によって)取り扱われていない。そのために,いずれも期待されるほどの効果(as it might be 可能性としてある効果)を挙げていない。前者について言えば,非黒人売春婦売買(White Slave Traffic)についてヒステリックな(反対)運動をした結果,プロの悪党(悪徳業者)が容易にかいくぐれるような(抜け道のある)法律を通過させる一方,罪のない人びとをゆする機会を与えてしまっている

The law is concerned with sex in two different ways: on the one hand to enforce whatever sexual ethic is adopted by the community in question, and on the other hand to protect the ordinary rights of individuals in the sphere of sex. The latter have two main departments: on the one hand the protection of females and non-adults from assault and from harmful exploitation, on the other hand the prevention of venereal disease. Neither of these is commonly treated purely on its merits, and for this reason neither is so effectively dealt with as it might be. In regard to the former, hysterical campaigns about the White Slave Traffic lead to the passage of laws easily evaded by professional malefactors, while affording opportunities of blackmail against harmless people. In regard to the latter, the view that venereal disease is a just punishment for sin prevents the adoption of the measures which would be the most effective on purely medical grounds, while the general attitude that venereal disease is shameful causes it to be concealed, and therefore not promptly or adequately treated.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.


ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.5:一夫一婦制も多様也


Within the monogamic family there are, however, many varieties. Marriages may be decided by the parties themselves or by their parents. In some countries the bride is purchased; in others, e.g. France, the bridegroom. Then there may be all kinds of differences as regards divorce, from the Catholic extreme, which permits no divorce, to the law of old China, which permitted a man to divorce his wife for being a chatterbox. Constancy or quasi-constancy in sex relations arises among animals, as well as among human beings, where, for the preservation of the species, the participation of the male is necessary for the rearing of the young. Birds, for example, have to sit upon their eggs continuously to keep them warm, and also have to spend a good many hours of the day getting food. To do both is, among many species, impossible for one bird, and therefore male cooperation is essential. The consequence is that most birds are models of virtue. Among human beings the co-operation of the father is a great biological advantage to the offspring, especially in unsettled times and among turbulent populations, but with the grow of modern civilisation the role of the father is being increasingly taken over by the State, and there is reason to think that a father may cease before long to be biologically advantageous, at any rate in the wage-earning class. If this should occur, we must expect a complete breakdown of traditional morality, since there will no longer be any reason why a mother should wish the paternity of her child to be indubitable. Plato would have us go a step further, and put the State not only in place of the father but in that of the mother also. I am not myself sufficiently an admirer of the State, or sufficiently impressed with the delights of orphan asylums, to be enthusiastically in favour of this scheme. At the same time it is not impossible that economic forces may cause it to be to some extent adopted.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.


ラッセル『結婚論(結婚と性道徳』序論 n.4



We come next to the question of the family. There have existed in various times and places many different kinds of family groups, but the patriarchal family has a very large preponderance, and, moreover, the monogamic patriarchal family has prevailed more and more over the polygamic. The primary motives of sexual ethics as they have existed in Western civilisation since pre-Christian times has been to secure that degree of female virtue without which the patriarchal family becomes impossible, since paternity is uncertain. What has been added to this in the way of insistence on male virtue by Christianity had its psychological source in asceticism, although in quite recent times this motive has been reinforced by female jealousy, which became potent with the emancipation of women. This latter motive seems, however, to be temporary, since, if we may judge by appearances, women will tend to prefer a system allowing freedom to both sexes rather than one imposing upon men the restrictions which hitherto have been suffered only by women.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.


ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.3: 多様な視点で考える

性倫理の影響は、この上もなく多様である。(即ち)、個人、夫婦(間)、家族(間)、国家、及び、国際社会、といった多様な面での影響である。その影響は、これらの点(細目)の(それぞれにおいて),ある面では良いが他の面では良くないという場合も、多分よく起こるだろう。(注:”may well happen” If you say that something may well happen, you mean that it is likely to happen.) 特定の制度について、結局(注:on balance; on the balance いろいろ考慮して)どう考えるべきかの結論を出す前に、全ての影響(影響するもの全て)について考察しておかなければならない。

The effects of a sexual ethic are of the most diverse kinds – personal, conjugal, familial, national and international. It may well happen that the effects are good in some of these respects, where they are bad in others. All must be considered before we can decide what on the balance we are to think of a given system. To begin with the purely personal: these are the effects considered by psychoanalysis. We have here to take account not only of the adult behaviour inculcated by a code, but also of the early education designed to produce obedience to the code, and in this region, as everyone knows, the effects of early taboos may be very curious and indirect. In this department of the subject we are at the level of personal well-being. The next stage of other problem arises when we consider the relations of men and women. It is clear that some sex relations have more value than others. Most people would agree that a sex relation is better when it has a large psychical element than when it is purely physical. Indeed, the view which has passed from the poets into the common consciousness of civilised men and women is that love increases in value in proportion as more of the personalities of the people concerned enters into the relation. The poets also have taught many people to value love in proportion to its intensity; this, however, is a more debatable matter. Most moderns would agree that love should be an equal relation, and that on this ground, if on no other, polygamy, for example, cannot be regarded as an ideal system. Throughout this department of the subject it is necessary to consider both marriage and extra-marital relations, since whatever system of marriage prevails, extra-marital relations will vary correspondingly.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.



 (承継)  社会の性道徳は,いくつかの層から成っていることが見出される(わかる)であろう。まず,法律に成文化されている明確な制度(positive institutions)がある。たとえば,一夫一婦制の国(国々)もあれば,一夫多妻制の国(国々)もある,というようなことである。次に,法律は干渉しないが世論が勢いのある層がある。そして最後に,理論上はたとえそうでないとしても(if not = even if not),実際上は個人の裁量(思慮分別)にまかされている層がある。


The sexual morals of the community will be found to consist of several layers. There are first the positive institutions embodied in law; such, for example, as monogamy in some countries and polygamy in others. Next there is a layer where law does not intervene but public opinion is emphatic. And lastly there is a layer which is left to individual discretion, in practice if not in theory. There is no country in the world and there has been no age in the world’s history where sexual ethics and sexual institutions have been determined by rational considerations, with the exception of Soviet Russia. I do not mean to imply that the institutions of Soviet Russia are in this respect perfect; I mean only that they are not the outcome of superstition and tradition, as are, at least in part, the institutions of all other countries in all ages. The problem of determining what sexual morality would be best from the point of view of general happiness and well-being is an extremely complicated one, and the answer will vary according to a number of circumstances. It will be different in an industrially advanced community from what it would be in a primitive agricultural regime. It will be different where medical science and hygiene are effective in producing a low death-rate from what it would be where plagues and pestilences carry away a large proportion of the population before it becomes adult. Perhaps when we know more, we shall be able to say that the best sexual ethic will be different in one climate from what it would be in another, and different again with one kind of diet from what it would be with another.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.
