

(1) それは(その学説は),不真面目だから。
(2) それは,古典的教養しかもたない者が数学,物理学,神経病学に関する(自らの)無知の言い訳を可能にするものだから
(3) それは,その学説に反対することがあたかも民主主義に対する犯罪であるかのように(注:哲学にまったく知識がない一般市民でもわかる言葉を使わないのは非民主主義者であるかのごとく),お世辞たらたらの正直さを装った者によって,発展されているから。
(4) それは,哲学をとるに足らないつまらないものにするから。
(5) それは,哲学者たちの間に,常識からとってきた間抜けさ(混乱した頭)をほとんど不可避的に永続化させるものだから。

The most influential school of philosophy in Britain at the present day maintains a certain linguistic doctrine to which I am unable to subscribe. I do not wish to misrepresent this school, but I suppose any opponent of any doctrine is thought to misrepresent it by those who hold it. The doctrine, as I understand it, consists in maintaining that the language of daily life, with words used in their ordinary meanings, suffices for philosophy, which has no need of technical terms or of changes in the signification of common terms. I find myself totally unable to accept this view. I object to it:

(1) Because it is insincere;(2) Because it is capable of excusing ignorance of mathematics, physics, and neurology in those who have had only a classical education;(3) Because it is advanced by some in a tone of unctuous rectitude, as if opposition to it were a sin against democracy;(4) Because it makes philosophy trivial;(5) Because it makes almost inevitable the perpetuation among philosophers of the muddle-headedness they have taken over from common sense.

出典: The cult of “common usage” (1953).
