

… It is safe to assume that cutthroat competition will not produce a feeling of good fellowship between the competitors. It is highly probable that if two States equipped with modern armament face each other across a frontier, and if their leading statesmen devote themselves to mutual insults, the population of each side will in time become nervous, and one side will attack for fear of the other doing so. It is safe to assume that a great modern war will not raise the level of prosperity even among the victors. Such generalizations are not difficult to know. What is difficult is to foresee in detail the long-run consequences of a concrete policy. Bismarck with extreme astuteness won three wars and unified Germany. The long run result of his policy has been that Germany has suffered two colossal defeats. These resulted because he taught Germans to be indifferent to the interests of all countries except Germany, and generated an aggressive spirit which in the end united the world against his successors. Selfishness beyond a point, whether individual or national, is not wise. It may with luck succeed, but if it fails failure is terrible. …
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.

連続した「短期的成功」によって自分(たち)の政策が正しいと「過信」することによって、長期的にみれば、未曾有の悲劇や敗北をもたらすことがあることは歴史を見れば明らかである。短期的視野しかもっていない者は、トランプが得意とする deal (取引を繰り返し)、成功(利益)が積み重なると気を良くして大胆になり、結局はそれまでの成功(利益)を帳消しにするどころか、大きな被害を受けるようなことをしてしまう。それが、自分だけが被害を受けるのであれば自業自得であろうが、政治家が自国の国民に災害をもたらすようであれば、政治家まかせにしておくことはできないはずである。