
child-psychology セガン(E. O. Seguin ,1812-1880: 白痴研究で有名)の時代以来,幼児(たち)に対する教育方法の進歩は,ある面でまだ精神的に幼児である 白痴(知的障がい者)や精神薄弱者の研究に端を発していることは注目に値する。なぜ,こんな遠回りをする必要があったのか。私の信じるところでは,それは,精神病患者の愚鈍さは責められるべきものとも,また,折檻によって治せるものとも考えられなかったためである。(即ち)アーノルド博士のむち打ちの処方箋によって,こういう人たちの「怠けぐせ」が治されると考える人は,誰もいなかった。その結果,患者たちは,怒りをもってではなく,科学的に取り扱われた。(つまり)彼らが理解できないときでも,教育者は誰も,怒り狂ってどなりつけたり,自分のことを恥ずかしく思えと言ったりしなかったのである。
inequality 「道徳的な責任」という観念は,多くの害悪(の発生)に対して「責任がある」。二人の子供がいて,一人は好運にも保育園に入り,もう一人は取り残されて,楽になることのないスラム街での生活を送っているとしてみよう。もしも,後者の子供が大きくなって前者の子供よりも立派にならなかったとしたら,後者の子どもに「道徳的な責任がある」であろうか。もしも,無知と不注意のために息子をうまく教育できなかったとしたら,(その貧しい)親たちは,そのことに対して「道徳的な責任がある」のだろうか。

It is remarkable that, ever since the time of Seguin, progress in educational methods with young children has come from study of idiots and the feeble-minded, who are, in certain respects, still mentally infants. I believe the reason for the necessity of this detour was that the stupidities of mental patients were not regarded as blameworthy, or as curable by chastisement ; no one thought that Dr. Arnold’s recipe of flogging would cure their “laziness”. Consequently they were treated scientifically, not angrily; if they failed to understand, no irate pedagogue stormed at them and told them they ought to be ashamed of themselves. If people could have brought themselves to take a scientific instead of a moralizing attitude towards children, they could have discovered what is now known about the way to educate them without first having to study the mentally deficient. The conception of “moral responsibility” is “responsible” for much evil. Imagine two children, one of whom has the good fortune to be in a nursery school, while the other is left to unalleviated slum-life. Is the second child “morally responsible” if he grows up less admirable than the first? Are his parents “morally responsible” for the ignorance and carelessness which makes them unable to educate him? Are the rich “morally responsible” for the selfishness and stupidity which have been drilled into them at public schools, and which make them prefer their own foolish luxuries to the creation of a happy community? All are victims of circumstances ; all have had characters warped in infancy and intelligence stunted at school. No good purpose is served by choosing to regard them as “morally responsible”, and holding them up to reprobation because they have been less fortunate than they might have been.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School
