
little-emperors 独りっ子に公平(正義)を教えることは,不可能ではないにせよ,大変むずかしい。
kohei-akushu しかし,これらは,(子供に)理解させがたい要求であり,確かに,子供は日ごろ(そういう特別な状況でない場合には)優しく扱われていれば快く従いはするものの,子供の道理の感覚に訴えるわけではない。

It is difficult, if not impossible, to teach justice to a solitary child. The rights and desires of grown-up people are so different from those of children that they make no imaginative appeal ; there is hardly ever direct competition for exactly the same pleasure. Moreover, as the grown-up people are in a position to exact obedience to their own demands, they have to be judges in their own case, and do not produce upon the child the effect of an impartial tribunal. They can, of course, give definite precepts inculcating this or that form of convenient behaviour : not to interrupt when their mother is counting the wash, not to shout when their father is busy, not to obtrude their concerns when there are visitors. But these are inexplicable requirements, to which, it is true, the child submits willingly enough if otherwise kindly treated, but which make no appeal to his own sense of what is reasonable. It is right that the child should be made to obey such rules, because he must not be allowed to be a tyrant, and because he must understand that other people attach importance to their own pursuits, however odd those pursuits may be. But not much more than external good behaviour is to be got by such methods; the real education in justice can only come where there are other children. This is one of many reasons why no child should long be solitary. Parents who have the misfortune to have an only child should do all that they can to secure companionship for it, even at the cost of a good deal of separation from home, if no other way is possible. A solitary child must be either suppressed or selfish–perhaps both by turns. A well-behaved only child is pathetic, and an ill-behaved one is a nuisance.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 7: Selfishness and property.



nipponkaigi_abenaikaku-members 将来、そういったエリート意識をもった人間が政治家になった場合には、口では「国民のため」、「国益のため」とかいう言葉を常套句にように連発しても、頭の中だけの表面的な理解であり、心からそのようなことを思っておらず、国民に災難をもたらす可能性が大きい。