
TPJ-WCV 時々私は,北ヴェトナムの人々から,ヴェトナム戦争における多様な展開について意見を言うよう求められてきた。彼らは,ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の副主幹であるハリソン・ソールズベリー氏(Harrison Evans Salisbury,1908-1993)が新聞記者としてハノイを訪問することを許可することは好ましいかどうか,私の助言を求めてきた。

Occasionally I have been invited by the North Vietnamese to give my opinion about various developments in the war. They asked my advice as to the desirability of permitting Mr Harrison Salisbury, Assistant Managing Editor of the New York Times, to visit Hanoi as a journalist. Mr Salisbury had previously attacked me in his introduction to the Warren Commission’s Report, in which he wrote of the Commission’s ‘exhaustive examination of every particle of evidence it could discover’. These comments were soon seen to be ridiculous, but I suspected that he would have great difficulty in ignoring the evidence of widespread bombardment of civilians in North Vietnam. I recommended that his visit was a risk worth taking, and was pleased to read, some weeks later, his reports from Hanoi, which caused consternation in Washington and probably lost him a Pulitzer Prize.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3:1944-1969 ,chap4:The Foundation,(1969)
