バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )



a) 領土/領空/領海の防衛能力
b) 他国の領土/領空/領海に脅威を与える能力
c) 原材料,食糧及びエ業技術(産業の技術・技能)の保有
d) 他の軍事単位が必要とする物品やサービスの供給能力


To sum up what has been said in this chapter: the economic power of a military unit (which may be composed of several independent States) depends upon (a) its capacity to defend its own territory, (b) its ability to threaten the territory of others, (c) its possession of raw materials, food, and industrial skill, (d) its power of supplying goods and services needed by other military units. In all this, military and economic factors are inextricably mingled. ... The importance of economic factors in war steadily increases as war becomes more mechanized and scientific ...
 Source: Power, a new social analysis, 1938, by Bertrand Russell
More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/POWER08_200.HTM

 北朝鮮の脅威なら、日本より韓国の方が大きいはず。それなのに、韓国の米軍基地負担が日本の1/5くらいというのはどういうことか? 人口が違うというのなら、韓国は少なくとも日本が負担している額の1/2を負担すべきではないのか?
#バートランド・ラッセル / #Bertrand_Russell

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