In the conflicts between Christianity and Islam, it was war that decided which countries should be Christian and which Mohammedan. In the conflicts between Protestants and Catholics, it was again military success and failure that decided the issue. America, North and South, is Christian because European arms were more effective than those of Red Indians.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, 1959, pp. 41-42.
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* a brief comment:
Whether an individual currently believes in a particular religion is greatly influenced by what their ancestors believed. This is also strongly affected by which religion is predominant in their country, which, in turn, has been heavily influenced by the outcomes of past wars with other nations.
For instance, the predominance of Christianity in the United States today, as well as the fact that Donald Trump is a Protestant, can largely be attributed to the effects of past wars. Therefore, whether an individual believes in a religion or not cannot be seen as absolute but rather as relative.
Had large numbers of Chinese people, for example, settled in America before British Puritans established colonies, it is highly likely that the United States would be a completely different country today.
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