It is not only in regard to amusements that men have grown passive, but also in regard to all those forms of skill and all those departments of knowledge in which they are not themselves experts. ... On most matters he does not trouble to have opinions at all, since he is convinced that they can safely be left to those whose special study or experience entitles them to speak with authority.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Are we too passive? (written in Feb. 3, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975
More info.: https://russell-j.com/PASSIVE.HTM
* a brief comment:
Experts appear in every situation. Particularly, popular specialists from various fields who frequently appear on commercial television are appreciated figures. However, truly insightful individuals are those who, like Socrates, deeply recognize their "awareness of ignorance" and possess a broad range of knowledge without boasting or flaunting it. In modern times, such people are rare, and it is unfortunate that they are often not economically well-off.
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