All distinctions not based upon intrinsic merit have this bad effect upon character and on this ground, if on no other, deserve to be abolished.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On snobbery (written in Dec. 30, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
More info.: https://russell-j.com/SNOB.HTM
* abrief comment:
The standards or criteria for evaluating individuals vary depending on the sphere to which they belong (such as fields, professions, or industries). A person may be highly competent as a scholar, researcher, or teacher but completely lack the skills required to be a politician or entertainer, and conversely, someone may excel as a politician or entertainer but be utterly unfit as a scholar, researcher, or teacher.
However, in any sphere, distinctions or discriminations that are not based upon intrinsic merit create various harmful effects. Inherited politicians who lack common sense but hold power, and court scholars, critics, or entertainers who seek fame by ingratiating themselves with such politicians--these tiresome individuals frequently appear on television and the internet, daily "polluting" our view.
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