Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

In it I suggested a philosophy of politics based upon the belief that impulse has more effect than conscious purpose in moulding men's lives. I divided impulses into two groups, the possessive and the creative, considering the best life that which is most built on creative impulses. I took, as examples of embodiments of the possessive impulses, the State, war and poverty; and of the creative impulses, education, marriage and religion. Liberation of creativeness, I was convinced, should be the principle of reform.
Source:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 1:The First War, 1968]
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Many people attach great importance to the 'state'. Many see Trump's 'America First' policy, for example, as positive, as without a strong state, we might be invaded by other countries, and if the state tilts, we might not get a 'pension'.  However, Russell says that it is best to have as few possessive impulses as possible and to live a life based on the most creative impulses. And so he cites the State as an example of the possessive impulse embodied. How did you all take this statement by Russell?

War happens because the state has the "right of belligerency". In Japan, there used to be civil wars, but this is unthinkable today. This is because the power of clans was reduced by the abolition of feudalism, and clans are no longer able to use military force except to maintain public order. In the same way, Russell believed that a world federal government should be created and military power concentrated under it, with each country able to have the police force necessary to maintain domestic security, but taking away the military power to invade other countries.
There are many people in the world who gain enormous wealth from war, and many of them wish to develop the military industry. A world federal government is likely to be kicked out as nothing more than 'idealism'. Is it impossible unless there is a nuclear war? When will the need for a world federal government be generally understood?
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