Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

The scepticism of the intelligent is the cause of their impotence, and is itself the effect of their laziness : if there is nothing worth doing, that gives an excuse for sitting still. But when disaster is impending, no excuse for sitting still can be valid. The intelligent will have to shed their scepticism, or share responsibility for the evils which all deplore.
Source: "On modern uncertainty" in: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays, 1931-1935, v,1..
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No one would have thought that Prime Minister Kishida was one of the intelligent, but it seems likely that someone misread the last sentence. In the sentence "The intelligent will have to shed their scepticism, or share responsibility for the evils which all deplore.", "will have to" of course takes both "shed" and " share". Japan (and Prime Minister Kishida) cannot condemn US actions, even if they are not good. Nor can it harshly condemn Israel's excesses as long as the US supports Israel. That is Japan's basic stance, so as long as it follows it, Prime Minister Kishida can also maintain 'peace in his brain'. There is no such thing as compassion for this man, and his main goal seems to be to stay in power.
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