Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

The act of giving is uncomfortable and inclined to cause a blush: there is inevitably the reflection that society ought to be so organized as to make it unnecessary for anyone to beg. So far from feeling self-satisfied because of giving, we feel our social conscience pricked because we profit by a system which reduces others to such want and humiliation.

* a brief comment (Translated with
Many people will understand what Russell is trying to say with the phrase 'a system that drives others to such poverty and humiliation’. However, it is likely that those who are content to donate once a year (e.g. 24 Hours TV ‘Love Saves the Earth’) and forget about the rest will not understand (or try to understand).
 I asked ChatGPT to describe in detail 'the system that drives others to such poverty and humiliation’.

* Description by ChatGPT *

The 'systems that drive others to such poverty and humiliation’to which Russell refers mainly refer to the following social, economic and institutional factors.

- Economic inequality: an economic system in which some members of society are extremely rich while others live in poverty. The distribution of resources and wealth is unequal, making it difficult for some people to obtain the livelihood resources they need.

- Lack of social welfare: the lack of an adequate social welfare system can leave vulnerable and needy people without support and trapped in poverty and humiliating situations. When basic services such as healthcare, education and housing are not provided, people suffer from the lack.

- Educational inequalities: when educational opportunities are unequal, poor children lack access to quality education, which in turn limits their career options and makes it more difficult for them to escape poverty. This is another factor that creates a cycle of poverty.

- Labour market inequality: where low-paid work and precarious forms of employment are prevalent, working people are unable to earn sufficient income, increasing the risk of falling into poverty. This creates the problem of the working poor, who work but live in poverty.

- Political and legal discrimination: where certain people or groups are placed at a political or legal disadvantage, they are more likely to be socially excluded as a result and experience poverty and humiliation. This applies to discrimination based on race, gender, religion and immigration status.

 These factors combine to form a ‘system’ that puts some people in a situation of poverty and humiliation. Russell's argument is that this system is supported by structural problems and inequitable institutions in society and requires fundamental reforms that cannot be solved by individual benevolent charity.