Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Many valuable emotions, and much important thinking, can only grow up as the result of long periods of quiet. These elements in the emotional and philosophical outlook of the past are now decaying. On the other hand, the cruelty and madness which in former ages were generated by boredom and unendurable monotony are also growing less. Perhaps therefore there is gain on the balance. However that may be, the mental change is certainly profound, and still only half completed.
Source: Bertrand Russell: 'On locomotion' in: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays, 1931-1935, v.1.
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* a brief comment (Translated with
If people think it is good for the times, then there is no need to bemoan the changing times. However, it is not good for many people to be in a state of passivity. It is not necessarily a happy state of affairs if you are constantly pursuing momentary pleasures, enjoying one dish after another, but not having the time to savor them slowly.
 It may be an unnecessary worry, but a life where you are so busy just accepting the information provided that you don't have time to think in your own way is a life where frustration gradually builds up.
 But don't worry about other people, you've got a lot on your plate, so get out of my way. I can hear the voice saying, ‘Please get out of my way.