Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Now there are three reasons for which you may co-operate with a man: because you love him, because you fear him, or because you hope to share the swag. These three motives are of differing importance in different regions of human co-operation: the first governs procreation, and the third governs politics.
Source: The advantages of cowardice. in: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays, 1931-1935, v.1
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* a brief comment (Translated with
Of course, there are quite a few cases where people cooperate with others for multiple reasons, such as being afraid of the person and wanting to gain an unfair advantage (share).
 In the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, there are many employees who quit because they could not keep up with Governor Koike, but there are also people who may try to get ahead by sticking to Governor Koike like a band shark. In such cases, there may be people who like Governor Koike, but there are also likely to be a certain number of TMG officials who do not like Governor Koike but are afraid of her and are trying to survive (and possibly be promoted) through discovery.