Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

As he gets richer and richer it become easier and easier to make money, until at last five minutes a day will bring him more than he knows how to spend. The poor man is thus left at a loose end as a result of his success. This must inevitably be the case so long as success itself is represented as the purpose of life. Unless a man has been taught what to do with success after getting it, the achievement of it must inevitably leave him a prey to boredom.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.3:Competition
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* a brief comment (Translated with
If you have managed to build a fortune that will allow you to live for the rest of your life without having to work, then you should then be free to explore (slow travel, touring unexplored areas) or pursue your own interests, and your life will be enriched. But if you don't, and you continue to seek out less beneficial stimulation, or are preoccupied with gambling, you will not be satisfied in the end, and will eventually fall 'prey to boredom'.  Alternatively, it is not uncommon for children to become accustomed to extravagance and to lead dissipated lives, causing problems for their parents, even if the person who has fortunately earned the money is leading a fulfilling life. Money is good to have, but not if it produces unwanted results. Rich people should be encouraged to use their money in ways that benefit society.