Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

But wherever organisation exists cowardice will be found more advantageous than courage. Of the men at the head of businesses, schools, lunatic asylums, and the like, nine out of ten will prefer the supple lickspittle to the outspoken man of independent judgement. In politics it is necessary to profess the party programme and flatter the leaders.
Source: The advantages of cowardice (written in Nov. 2, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975
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* a brief comment (Translated with
Politics is compromise. However, this means that ordinary party members should follow the judgement of the leader (decision-maker) after free discussion. In reality, however, the world is full of opportunistic politicians who try to ‘sontakusuru’(guessing someone else's feelings) to the leaders and state their opinions as if they were their own, in order to be ‘valued’ by them. This is a phenomenon that can be seen not only in politics, but everywhere there are organisations, and it discourages the motivation of many people.  To such timid people, Russell sarcastically advises, as follows.

1. Don't express your own opinions but those of your boss.
2. Don't endeavour to realise ends which you yourself think good, but pursue rather those aimed at by some organisation supported by millionaires.
3. In your private friendships select influential men if you can, or, failing that, men whom you judge likely to become influential.
Do this, and you will win the good opinion of all the best elements in the community.
This is sound advice, but, for my part, I would sooner die than follow it.