Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

The subject of suicide is apt to be considered not on its merits but in relation to what is called the sacredness of human life. I find, however, that it is illegal to take this phrase seriously, since those who do so are compelled to condemn war. So long as war remains part of our institutions it is mere hypocrisy to invoke the sacredness of human life against those unfortunates whose misery leads them to attempts suicide.
Source: Bertrand Russell: llegal?, Mar. 9, 1932. In: Morals and Others, v.1 (1975)
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* a brief comment: original text in Japanese, translated with (free version)
This is a statement included in a collection of essays for Anglo-Americans (Mortals and Others, Volume I: American Essays 1931-1935). The statement appears in an essay entitled "llegal?". If you were Japanese, you would say: 'Don't treat your own life so poorly!' So, "Why can't we relate this to the sanctity of human life (respect for human life)?" Many people are doubtful about this. Also, the expression 'war has become part of our system' may not immediately make sense.
 However, if one looks at the wars in which major powers such as the US, the USSR and China have been involved and the attitude of their friends towards those wars (including the "passive" support of friendly countries in the name of "neutrality" towards the wars and military assistance of major powers "for self-defence", "for defence" and "in defence of freedom and democracy"), it is clear that "war is part of our system". (including support) would make Russell's statement that "war has become part of our institutions" understandable, wouldn't it?
 While advocating opposition to war and adherence to pacifism, the Japanese economy benefited greatly from the Korean War and Vietnam War. There are many people who benefit from wars and military industries in other countries. It is estimated that about 40% of US industry is related to defence in some respect. Therefore, there are many people in the US who resist disarmament.
 The Jewish people suffered indescribable hardship during the Holocaust. Hamas also committed unforgivable atrocities. That said, it is also unacceptable that many Israelis believe that it is "inevitable" that a large number of civilians in Gaza die when Israeli forces attack Hamas. Both the Japanese public and the Japanese Government are sympathetic to the loss of life of many civilians in Gaza, but the Japanese Government does not outwardly condemn the Israeli Government. The Japanese Government cannot express its disapproval of what the US Government supports. It can only be "neutral" or "silent". Isn't this proof that "war has become part of our system"?