バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


Briefly, I am in love with one, Caroline by name, of beauty and intelligence, and, as in the situation which must be all too frequent elsewhere, she does not love me. ...

Dear Sir, (July 19, 1963)
May I say that I entirely understand your difficulty. ... Unrequited love is like a serious illness -- very unpleasant while it lasts but usually not life-long. I should not treat this question as one of morality but as one of rational forecast of your future.
I hope that you will go up to Trinity to read History. It could open a new world to you, and I believe from what you write that you could make the most of this opportunity.

 Source: Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969.
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/KATAOMO2.HTM