バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


Not only was it necessary to abandon the fixity of species and the many separate acts of creation which Genesis seemed to assert ; not only was it necessary to assume a lapse of time, since the origin of life, which was shocking to the orthodox ; not only was it necessary to abandon a host of arguments for the beneficence of Providence, derived from the exquisite adaptation of animals to their environment, which was now explained as the operation of natural selection -- but, worse than any or all of these, the evolutionists ventured to affirm that man was descended from the lower animals. Theologians and uneducated people, indeed, fastened upon this one aspect of the theory. "Darwin says that men are descended from monkeys!" the world exclaimed in horror. .
 Source: Religion and Science, 1935
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/RS1935_03-210.HTM


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