バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


Before I became ill I had undertaken to do a lecture tour in Japan after leaving China....Owing to my being still very feeble, we were anxious to avoid all unnecessary fatigues, but the journalists proved a very difficult matter. At the first port at which our boat touched, some thirty journalists were lying in wait, although we had done our best to travel secretly, and they only discovered our movements through the police. As the Japanese papers had refused to contradict the news of my death, Dora gave each of them a type-written slip saying that as I was dead I could not be interviewed. They drew in their breath through their teeth and said: 'Ah! veree funnee!'.
 Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB23-120.HTM


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