バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )

People are puzzled because the seeing of the star seems so different from the processes that the physiologist discovered in the optic nerve, and yet it is clear that without these processes the man would not see the star. And so there is supposed to be a gulf between mind and matter, and a mystery which it is held in some degree impious to try to dissipate. I believe, for my part, that there is no greater mystery than there is in the transformation by the radio of electro-magnetic waves into sounds. I think the mystery is produced by a wrong conception of the physical world and by a Manichaean fear of degrading the mental world to the level of the supposedly inferior world of matter.
 Source: My Philosophical Development, chap. 2,1959
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/BR_MPD_02-070.HTM


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