Bertrand Russell's Best; Silhouettes in Satire, selected and introduced by Robert E. Egner. (London; Allen & Unwin, 1958. 113 p. 20 cm.)
Acknowledgements by the edior
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Professor Alvan J. Obelsky of the University of Miami (Florida), Lydia Peterson, Karin Sandstrom, Gladys Lober, Marvin O. Hunt, Milton S. Wilson and his wife, Margaret Egner.For arrangements made with various publishers whereby certain copyrighted material was permitted to be reprinted, and for the courtesy extended by them, the following acknowledgements are gratefully made:
George Allen & Unwin Ltd. and Simon and Schuster: for permission to use excerpts from Lord Russell's:
A History of Western Philosophy (1945)George Allen & Unwin Ltd. and W. W. Norton and Company, Inc.: for permission to quote material from Lord Russell's:
New Hopes for a Changing World (1951)
Unpopular Essays (1950)
Impact of Science on Society (1953)
Nightmares of Eminent Persons (1955)
Authority and the Individual (1949)
Satan in the Suburbs (1953)
Human Society in Ethics and Politics (1954)
Portraits from Memory (1956)
Power: A New Social Analysis (1938)Beacon Press: for permission to reprint excerpts from:
Education and the Social Order (English title) (1932)
Education and the Modern World (American title)(1932)
An Outline of Philosophy (English title) (1927)
Philosophy (American title) (1927)
'The Political and Cultural Influence,' in The Impact of America on European Culture (1951 )George Allen & Unwin Ltd. and Liveright Publishing Corporation: for permission to use excerpts from Lord Russell's:
Marriage and Morals (1929)The Oxford University Press, London and New York; for permission to use excerpts from Lord Russell's:
The Conquest of Happiness (1930)
Religion and Scienee (1935)Watts and Co., Ltd.: for permission to reprint material from Lord Russell's monograph:
Why I am Not a Christian (1927)LOOK MAGAZINE: for permission to use excerpts from Lord Russell's article:
'What is an Agnostic' in the November 3, 1953, issue.COMMON SENSE: for permission to reprint excerpts from Lord Russell's : (March 1936)
'Why Radicals are Unpopular'NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZiNE: for permission to quote material from two articles by Lord Russell:
'To Face Danger Without 'Hysteria' (January 21, 1951)UNITED NATIONS WORLD: for permission to reprint excerpts from Lord Russell's article:
'The Science to Save us from Science' (March 19, 1950)
'Boredom or Doom in a Scientific World' ( September 1 948)